Elvis Crespo - Te Lo Digo Yo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elvis Crespo - Te Lo Digo Yo

Te Lo Digo Yo
Tell Me
Te lo digo yo, te lo digo yo
I'm telling you, I'm telling you
Que mi corazon, que mi corazon
That my heart, my heart
Gritaba el hecho que se sentia solo
Shouts the fact that it feels lonely
Cuando tu faltabas.
When you're away.
Te lo digo yo, te lo digo yo
I'm telling you, I'm telling you
Que mi corazon,
That my heart,
Que mi corazon
My heart
Cuando tu estabas se volvia loco
When you were around, it went crazy
Con tu indecision.
With your indecision.
Yo te queria como
I wanted you like
Un cuento de amor
A love story
Y tu decias que si,
And you said yes,
Si que si no
Yes, but no
Pero al final de todo
But in the end
Solo te marchabas
You just left
Para regresar.
To come back.
Y al volver te dabas
And when you came back you realized
Cuenta que no que
That no, that
Era media su
Was half of your
Supuesta decision.
Supposed decision.
Abrias la puerta, me
You opened the door, you
Mirabas triste
Looked at me sadly
Mientras te alejabas.
As you walked away.
Por que esperar si tu
Why wait if you
Ni sabes
Don't even know
Si tu me quieres a mi.
If you love me.
Como callar el hecho
How can I shut up about the fact
De que siempre
That I'm always
Estoy pensando en ti
Thinking about you
Te lo digo yo,
I'm telling you,
Te lo digo yo
I'm telling you
Que mi corazon,
That my heart,
Que mi corazon
My heart
Gritaba el hicho que se
Shouts the fact that it
Sentia solo cuando tu
Feels lonely when you
Go away
Te lo digo yo, te lo digo yo que mi corazon,
I'm telling you, I'm telling you that my heart,
Que mi corazon cuando tu estabas
My heart, when you were around,
Se volvia loco con tu indecision.
Went crazy with your indecision.
Aaa aprieta, es la cosa, yo te queria como un cuento
Aaa hold on, that's the thing, I wanted you like a story
De amor y tu decias que si, que si, que si, que no
Of love, and you said yes, yes, yes, no
Pero al final de todo solo te marchabas para regre-
But in the end, you just left, to come back-
Sar, y al volver te dabas cuenta que no que era
Come back, and when you came back you realized
Media su supuesta decision.
That no, that was half of your supposed decision.
Abrias la puerta, me mirabas triste mientras te alejabas.
You opened the door, you looked at me sadly, as you walked away.
Por que esperar si tu ni sabes si tu me quieres a mi.
Why wait if you don't even know if you love me.
Como callar el hicho de que siempre estoy pensando
How can I shut up about the fact that I'm always thinking
En ti.
About you.
Te lo digo yo, te lo digo yo...
I'm telling you, I'm telling you...
Que si, que no, que si, que no; decidete.
Yes, no, yes, no; make up your mind.
Decidete corazon, no
Make up your mind, heart, don't
Juegues con mi amor.
Play with my love.
No juegues, no, no,
Don't play, no, no,
No; no juegus no.
No; don't play no.
Un dia me dices
One day you tell me
Que si y otro me
Yes, and another you
Dices que no.
Tell me no.
Aunque no te
Even if you don't
Decidas, dime
Make up your mind, tell me
Si es que si o
If it's yes or
Aun no te decidas,
Even if you don't make up your mind,
Dejame saber
Let me know
Mi amor
My love

Writer(s): Aquino Luis O

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