Elán - Epilog - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elán - Epilog

Zomrela pravda. A poézia s tvárou v závoji.
Truth has died. And poetry with her face veiled.
Aj v najlacnejšom slove veje čierny flór.
Even in the cheapest word a black veil waves.
Predbiehajú sa ako divé: ktoré skôr
They outdo each other like savages: which will sooner
údesnú ranu sveta zahojí?
heal the terrible wound of the world?
Ono sa ľahko povie: Ži!
It is easy to say: Live!
No slovo ozaj málo zaváži.
But a word weighs very little.
Ba takmer nič. Len povedz: Ži a ver!
Almost nothing. Just say: Live and believe!
Noc, jednoznačná ako revolver.
Night, unambiguous as a revolver.
A celá pravda v jednom náboji.
And the whole truth in one cartridge.
obzerá ťa mlčanlivá tma,
Silent darkness is already eyeing you,
Cynickým okom luny si ťa skúma,
With the cynical eye of the moon, it examines you,
Okrúhlym ako Judášova suma;
Round like Judas' purse;
Ešte je nemá, ale ťa má.
It is still mute, but it already has you.
Bozk ohňa s papierom
Fire's kiss with paper
Dôstojný somrák
Dignified beggar
Do ringu uterák
A towel into the ring
Stotisíc Atlantíd
A hundred thousand Atlantises
Trinástych komnát
Thirteenth chambers
Môžte sa spoľahnút′. No správy z pekla... V púšti so utopí...
You can rely on it. But news from hell... In the desert with utopia...
V púšti so utopí... Brúsenie tupých...
In the desert with utopia... Sharpening the dull...

Writer(s): p. farnbauer, j. kuruc

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