Elán - Orol - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Elán - Orol

Skúšali pristrihnúť mu krídla
They tried to clip his wings
Klietkou pozlátiť slobodu
To cage his freedom with gold
Sám nad sebou vždy láska vyhral
He always triumphed over himself with love
Nechcel sa s nikým lacno dohodnúť
He refused to make cheap deals with anyone
Skúšali vypchať jeho slávu
They tried to stuff his fame
Nenašli také veľké múzeum
They couldn't find a museum big enough
Orol sa z výšok stále díva
The eagle still looks down from the heights
Nie je mu z toho dvakráť do zpevu
It doesn't make him feel very good
Vtáky žijú v kŕdli
Birds live in flocks
Orol vždy lieta sám
An eagle always flies alone
Neletí kam všetci
He doesn't fly where everyone else does
Letí preč od kriku vrán
He flies away from the crows' cries
Skúšali čo sa doňho zmestí
They tried to fit everything they could into him
A sami mali prázdno vo vnútri
And they themselves were empty inside
Obstál no nie vždy bez bolesti
He stood firm, but not without pain
Otriasol popol nikdy zohnutý
He shook off the ash, never yielding
Skúšali spáliť jeho lety
They tried to burn his flights
Kam oni nemohli ani dovidieť
Where they couldn't even see
Pri zemi víria samé smeti
The ground is swirling with trash
Strážia oklieštený svet
Guarding a constricted world

Writer(s): lubo hornak, j.soviar

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