Elán - Pištoľ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elán - Pištoľ

He stole, honey?
Fuj . Aby viac nekradol - Odťať!
Oh dear! To make sure he doesn't steal again - Cut off his hand!
Hej .
Hey .
Červený šátečku kolem se toč
Red bandana, twirl around me
A ju kolem se toč
And I'll twirl around you
Strašně se zlobím a nevím proč
I'm terribly angry and I don't know why
A ju á nevím proč
And I'll twirl around you oh I don't know why
Za tisíc tristo takzvaných korún
For a thousand three hundred so-called crowns
Mi jeden jugoš ponúkol
A Yugoslavian offered me
Zánovnu pištol tak som to riskol
A second-hand gun, so I took the risk
A kúpil som ju pod rukou.
And bought it under the table.
Červený šátečku kolem se toč
Red bandana, twirl around me
A ja ju kolem se toč
And I'll twirl around you
Strašně se zlobím a nevím proč
I'm terribly angry and I don't know why
A ju nevím proč
And I'll twirl around you oh I don't know why
Mám dušu svätca, myšlienky vraha
I have the soul of a saint, the thoughts of a murderer
A v ruke pištoľ na krysy
And a gun for rats in my hand
V dlani ma páli, pevná a nahá
It burns in my palm, firm and naked
Jak moja milá kedysi
Like my sweetheart once
Jedno je isté vodka a pomsta
One thing is certain, vodka and revenge
Najlepšie chutí studená
Tastes best cold
Ten kto z vás nemá
Whoever among you doesn't have
Svedomie čisté - tomu je guľka súdená .
A clear conscience - a bullet's in store for him.
Vykrádači nádeje Vykrádači nádeje
Hope thieves Hope thieves
Defraudanty viery Defraudanty viery
Faith fraudsters Faith fraudsters
Ešte sa nič nedeje Ešte sa nič nedeje
Nothing is happening yet Nothing is happening yet
Iba na vás mierim len na vás mierim
I'm only aiming at you, only aiming at you
Ideoví artisti ideoví artisti
Ideological artists ideological artists
Pokrokoví fízli Pokrokoví fízli
Progressive cops Progressive cops
Ešte som len odistil Ešte som len odistil
I've only just distilled it I've only just distilled it
Ako gáfor zmizli jak gáfor zmizli
Vanished like camphor vanished like camphor
Mám dušu svätca, myšlienky vraha
I have the soul of a saint, the thoughts of a murderer
A v ruke pištoľ na krysy
And a gun for rats in my hand
V dlani ma páli, pevná a nahá
It burns in my palm, firm and naked
Jak moja milá kedysi
Like my sweetheart once
Jedno je isté vodka a pomsta
One thing is certain, vodka and revenge
Najlepšie chutí studená
Tastes best cold
Ten kto z vás nemá
Whoever among you doesn't have
Svedomie čisté - tomu je guľka súdená .
A clear conscience - a bullet's in store for him.
Vykrádači nádeje Vykrádači nádeje
Hope thieves Hope thieves
Defraudanty viery Defraudanty viery
Faith fraudsters Faith fraudsters
Ešte sa nič nedeje Ešte sa nič nedeje
Nothing is happening yet Nothing is happening yet
Iba na vás mierim len na vás mierim
I'm only aiming at you, only aiming at you
Ideoví artisti ideoví artisti
Ideological artists ideological artists
Pokrokoví fízli Pokrokoví fízli
Progressive cops Progressive cops
Ešte som len odistil Ešte som len odistil
I've only just distilled it I've only just distilled it
Ako gáfor zmizli jak gáfor zmizli
Vanished like camphor vanished like camphor
Hej .
Hey .
Hej .
Hey .
Hej .
Hey .
Hej .
Hey .
Môžte byť kľudný predal som pištoľ
You can relax, I sold the gun
Lebo s prstom na spúšti
Because only with my finger on the trigger
Človek si povie s Ježišom Kristom
Does one realize, along with Jesus Christ
Že ľuďom treba odpustiť.
That one must forgive people.

Writer(s): Boris Filan, Jan Balaz, Jozef Raz

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