Elan - Tele deti - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Elan - Tele deti

Tele deti
TV Kids
Nás ťažko niečo prekvapí,
It's hard to surprise us,
My poznáme svet z kresla.
We know the world from our armchairs.
Od malička sme papali
We've been fed from childhood
S krupičnou kašou heslá.
With passwords with semolina porridge.
Nám po nociach sa snívojú
Our nights are filled with dreams
Krotké sny vlažných reklám.
Of soft commercial dreams.
Sme stále v priamom prenose
We are always live
Tok nekradni a neklam.
Feed don't steal and don't lie.
Cez objektívne príčiny
Through objective reasons
O nekonečný vesmír
About the endless universe
S vykastrovanou popmuzik
With castrated pop music
Tak vysoko sme klesli.
We have fallen so high.
Hľadáme státe niekoho
We're looking for someone
Kto by nám vážne veril.
Who would seriously believe us.
Nokoniec všetko zvládneme
In the end, we can handle everything
Tak ako Tom a Jerry.
Just like Tom and Jerry.
Prvý, druhý, tretí, ó,
First, second, third, oh,
Prvý, druhý, tretí, ó,
First, second, third, oh,
Sme tetetete, teledeti.
We are tetetete, telekids.
My ovládame budúcnosť
We control the future
Z filmov pre pamätnikov.
From movies for monuments.
Problémy správne predžuté
Problems are properly chewed
Vždy vyriešia sa trikom.
Always solved with a trick.
Sme deti tohto storočia
We are the children of this century
Čo šepkajú si krikom.
Who whisper to each other with a cry.
Na chrbte máme titulok:
We have a headline on our backs:
Porucha nie je v nikom!
The fault is not in anyone!
Hľadáme státe niekoho
We're looking for someone
Kto by nám vážne veril.
Who would seriously believe us.
Nokoniec všetko zvládneme
In the end, we can handle everything
Tak ako Tom a Jerry.
Just like Tom and Jerry.
Prvý, druhý, tretí, ó,
First, second, third, oh,
Prvý, druhý, tretí, ó,
First, second, third, oh,
Sme tetetete, teledeti. Sme tetetete, teledeti. Sme tetetete, teledeti.
We are tetetete, telekids. We are tetetete, telekids. We are tetetete, telekids.

Writer(s): jan balaz

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