Emanuel feat. Filip Horvat - Vladaj U Meni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Emanuel feat. Filip Horvat - Vladaj U Meni

Vladaj U Meni
Reign in Me
Zemljom vladaš Ti na nebesima
You reign on Earth and in heaven
Snažnim rijekama, svodom nebeskim
In mighty rivers and the celestial dome
Čežnja srca mog, sve što želim ja
The longing of my heart, all that I desire
Je to da vladaš u meni
Is that You reign in me
Vladaj u meni, vladaj snagom svom
Reign in me, reign with all Your power
Mojim snovima, mračnim satima
Over my dreams, even in the darkest hour
Budi gospodar svega što sam ja
Be the master of all that I am
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me
Svojim mislima, svojim riječima
With my thoughts and my words
Odražava Ti, lik Tvoj želim ja
May I reflect You, I long to show Your image
Više značiš mi od bogatstva sveg'
You mean more to me than all the riches of the world
Bože vladaj u meni
God, reign in me
Vladaj u meni, vladaj snagom svom
Reign in me, reign with all Your power
Mojim snovima, mračnim satima
Over my dreams, even in the darkest hour
Budi gospodar svega što sam ja
Be the master of all that I am
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me
Vladaj u meni, vladaj snagom svom
Reign in me, reign with all Your power
Mojim snovima, mračnim satima
Over my dreams, even in the darkest hour
Budi gospodar svega što sam ja
Be the master of all that I am
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me
Često mi se čini da mi život među prstima izmiče
It often seems to me that life is slipping through my fingers
Baš poput pijeska
Like sand
I što više pritišćem sve manje je mjesta
And the more I squeeze, the less room there is
Dok iz sveg grla vičem: "To se Tebe ne tiče"
As I cry out at the top of my lungs: "That's none of Your business"
Kraj priče
The end of the story
Stvarno sam blesav
I'm really stupid
I ne znam gdje sam bio kad se pamet dijelila
And I don't know where I was when they were handing out brains
Niti znam zašto mislim da sve moram sam
Nor do I know why I think I have to do everything myself
Al' činjenica jest da me puca stres
But the fact is that I'm bursting with stress
Kad suočim se sa sobom i želim mir s Tobom
When I face myself and want peace with You
Jer sve dok trebam milost i ljubav i blagost i strpljivost
Because as long as I need grace and love and kindness and patience
I sve što srce želi
And everything my heart desires
Bože, Bože vladaj
God, God reign
Bože, Bože vladaj u meni
God, God reign in me
Zato vladaj
Therefore reign
Zato vladaj
Therefore reign
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me
Zato vladaj
Therefore reign
I zato vladaj
And therefore reign
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me
Vladaj u meni, vladaj snagom svom
Reign in me, reign with all Your power
Mojim snovima, mračnim satima
Over my dreams, even in the darkest hour
Budi gospodar svega što sam ja
Be the master of all that I am
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me
Vladaj u meni, vladaj snagom svom
Reign in me, reign with all Your power
Mojim snovima, mračnim satima
Over my dreams, even in the darkest hour
Budi gospodar svega što sam ja
Be the master of all that I am
I zato vladaj u meni
And therefore reign in me

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