Emkej - Airplane Mode - traduction des paroles en anglais

Airplane Mode - Emkejtraduction en anglais

Airplane Mode
Airplane Mode
Rad bi šetal s tabo po plaži kjer me ne poznajo
I want to walk with you on a beach where I am unknown
Rad bi kadil cigaro polek jedo papajo
I want to smoke a cigar while eating papaya
Rad bi da si v raju
I want you to be in paradise
Rad bi vzel si čas samo za naju res bi rad vztrajo
I want to take time just for the two of us, I really want to persevere
Mel ob tebi samo pozitivne mislih
Having only positive thoughts with you
Doživel v letu vec sončnih dni ko kislih
Experiencing more sunny days than sour ones in a year
Pričaral vsak dan nasmeh na fris ti
Make you smile every day
Nočem obirat hočem samo ljubit do obisti
I don't want to pick, I just want to love until my heart's content
Samo vem da nas lajf jebe baby
I just know that life is f**king with us baby
Da so gamad da se jih preveč grebe baby
That the villains harass us too much baby
Včasih flipnem flow pa jih pune zmede baby
Sometimes I flip the flow and that confuses them all baby
Lej kak zlagam te besede kak lahko rečejo da sem preveč lazy
See how I rhyme these words? How can they say I'm too lazy?
Crazy shit kak mi folk pometa
Crazy s**t how I swept away the people
Samo jaz mam rad čisto zato mi to ne smeta
Only I love cleanly that's why it doesn't bother me
Skino sem jih s kurca vse do konca leta
I got rid of them all by the end of the year
Naredi mi uslugo in se ti skini z neta
Do me a favor and get off the net
Mala ko si zmano daj fon na airplane mode
Honey, when you are with me, put your phone on airplane mode
Vseeno je kaj si mislijo drugi
It doesn't matter what others think
Vseeno je kaj ti pravijo drugi
It doesn't matter what others say to you
Vseeno je kaj ti gušijo v službi
It doesn't matter what they're choking you with at work
(Ne res)Vseeno je kaj si mislijo drugi
(No really) It doesn't matter what others think
Raim tri dni čisto sam z mojo malo
Rhyming for three days, all alone with my girl
Sploh me me zanima kolko naju bo stalo
I don't even wonder how much it will cost us
Airplane mode še predn stopim na letalo
Airplane mode even before I get on the plane
Celo leto delama že ko budalo
We've been working like fools all year long
Eaim tri dni brez stresa
I rhyme for three days without stress
Da nič ne zacingla da se nobenmu ne zmeša
So that nothing jingles and no one gets upset
Da bo oba vema kdaj je treba nehat
So that we both know when to stop
Se nima smisla kregat
There's no point in arguing
Da ne pere da ni treba peglat
So that she doesn't wash and doesn't have to iron
Ne raim luksuza raim mir (Amen)
I don't rhyme for luxury, I rhyme for peace (Amen)
Nočem se španat hočem pir (Mamen)
I don't want to strain, I want beer (Mom)
Najt izvir za dober gir
Find a spring for good beer
Zasluženo uživat in ne mislit na to ki bo prišo papir
To deservedly enjoy and not think about the money that will come
Hočem chillat brez lajkov z Lajko
I want to chill without likes with my girl
Zoret z vama met barko ko pravi Marko
To mature with you and have a boat like Marko says
Na plaži kjer se duva samo maestral
On a beach where only the maestral wind blows
In te ne zmoti nič ker ne lovi signal
And you're not disturbed by anything because you don't have signal
Mala ko si zmano daj fon na airplane mode
Honey, when you are with me, put your phone on airplane mode
Vseeno je kaj si mislijo drugi
It doesn't matter what others think
Vseeno je kaj ti pravijo drugi
It doesn't matter what others say to you
Vseeno je kaj ti gušijo v službi
It doesn't matter what they're choking you with at work
(Ne res)Vseeno je kaj si mislijo drugi
(No really) It doesn't matter what others think

Writer(s): Marko Kocjan

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