Emsallam - سنتنضنوا (مع كاز الأمم) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Emsallam - سنتنضنوا (مع كاز الأمم)

سنتنضنوا (مع كاز الأمم)
We Will Join (With the UN Gas)
ايها السادة
We will join
سوف تنضموا
You will join
سنتنضنضنوا يا حمار
We will join, you donkey
سوف تنضمون
You will join
يزلمه اخرس هيني عرفت
Mute man, I found out
انت حتقول قولت كذلك برضو
You will say I said so too
ولك اعلم انه العالم ما حدا بحاله تارك برضو
And know that no one in the world is alone, leaving too
بقدر يختار شي
He can choose something
بس مبيختارش يطلع من امره
But he doesn't choose to get out of his command
هي السوق قدامكم قوموا نقوا
This market is in front of you, get up and choose
بين متدين او ملحد
Between religious or atheist
سوي او مثلي
Normal or like me
شيخ او راهب
Sheikh or monk
عاقل او ضارب
Wise or hitter
طيب او سافل
Good or vile
او غاوي مراجل
Or a boiler enthusiast
ناجح او هامل
Successful or negligent
راس مالي يساري
My capital is leftist
او زي المش داري
Or like the one who doesn't know
الكل عم بنادي
Everyone is calling
الكل عم بنادي
Everyone is calling
الكل هون بصرخ
Everyone here is screaming
سنتندندن سنتندن
We will hum, we will hum
We will join
You will join
سوف تنضموا
You will join
الكوكب هاد مبديتوا صغيرة
This planet, its beginning was small
كل مكبر شوي بشوف انه الحرية عيرة
Everyone who grows a little, sees that freedom is a bullet
ما في مهرب هو الكون مقسم حاله
There is no escape, the universe is divided by itself
سلفاً فإذا انولد هسة اي مولود
So if any newborn is born now
عفواً ما تسموه
Excuse me, don't name him
لانه محسوب ع جماعة من دون ما يقرر ابوه
Because he is considered to belong to a group without his father deciding
معروفلي انا ترجعوه ترجعوه
He is known to me, return him, return him
Hide him
ارتاحوا ما تربوه
Relax, don't raise him
ولانه عالفاضي
Because it's for nothing
بكره بيكبر بتشوفوه
Tomorrow he will grow up, you will see him
قريباً حتروح فيروز وتقابل صديقها شادي
Soon, Fairuz will go and meet her friend Shadi
تعزمني موعد عالعشا سممني وعادي
Invite me to dinner, poison me, and it's okay
اذا بتفتح تمك هسة بأي كلمة زيادة
If you open your mouth now with any extra word
اتأكد انك حاب تخسر صف سنانك التحتاني
Make sure that you want to lose your lower teeth
الخطوة الاخيرة هادي لاني
This is the last step for me
حازم امتعتي وماشي عادي
Hazem, I have enjoyed myself and I am leaving normally
تشوفني من اي جماعه تنادي
You see me from any group calling
تقول مسلم مالك مليش
You say Muslim, you have nothing
انا قررت اكمل واعيش
I decided to complete and live
ف اذا بدك موسيقى معيش
So if you want music with me
اوعك تزعل مني معلش
Don't be upset with me, sorry
سنتندندن سنتندندن سنتندن
We will hum, we will hum, we will hum
We will join
You will join
سوف تنضموا
You will join
انا للرعد صوته
I am to the thunder, its sound
للصيف شوبه
To summer, its heat
للبيت بابه
To the house, its door
للخوف سردابه
To fear, its tent
للجلد وشمه
To the skin, its mark
للجنس ضهره
To sex, its back
للنبض قلبه
To the pulse, its heart
للمولود ذنبه
To the newborn, his sin
للموت حقه
To death, its right
للجوع خبزه
To hunger, its bread
للورق حبره
To paper, its ink
للحيط طوبه
To the wall, its brick
للخيط ابره
To the thread, its needle
للوتدد حبله
To the peg, its rope
للتايه نجمه
To the lost, its star
للسرك سحره
To the secret, its magic
للدهر سبه للدهر سبه للدهر سبه
To time, its blame, to time, its blame, to time, its blame
للحر وعده
To the free, his promise
للكس دوره
To laziness, its turn
لليل خمره
To the night, its moon
للكاس تلجه
To the glass, its ice
للنار جمره
To the fire, its ember
للسلاح طلقه
To the weapon, its bullet
للبحر موجه
To the sea, its wave
للهدف بعده
To the target, its distance
للحلم وهمه
To the dream, its concern
للجرح ندبه
To the wound, its scar
للآلم دمعه
To the pain, its tear
للغالي سعره
To the precious, its price
للجذر ارضه
To the root, its soil
انت حتقول قولت كذلك برضو
You will say I said so too
ولك اعلم انه العالم ما حدا بحاله تارك برضو
And know that no one in the world is alone, leaving too
بقدر يختار شي
He can choose something
بس مبيختارش يطلع من امره
But he doesn't choose to get out of his command
هي السوق قدامكم قوموا نقوا
This market is in front of you, get up and choose
بين متدين او ملحد
Between religious or atheist
سوي او مثلي
Normal or like me
شيخ او راهب
Sheikh or monk
عاقل او ضارب
Wise or hitter
طيب او سافل
Good or vile
او غاوي مراجل
Or a boiler enthusiast
ناجح او هامل
Successful or negligent
راس مالي يساري
My capital is leftist
او زي المش داري
Or like the one who doesn't know
الكل عم بنادي
Everyone is calling
الكل عم بنادي
Everyone is calling
الكل هون بصرخ
Everyone here is screaming
سنتندندن سنتندن
We will hum, we will hum
We will join
You will join
سوف تنضموا
You will join
يا إلهي ضيعت اتجاهي
Oh God, I lost my direction
عبادة جثث بمدينه ملاهي
Worshiping corpses in an amusement park
And it's okay
لسه بعادِ بغابة بنادي غلابة
I'm still away, in a forest I call the poor
بغني لبلادي
I sing to my country
بصمم برادي
I design coldly
بغطي عوراتي
I cover my flaws
بغوص انا بوادي
I dive in a valley
ت احيي امواتي
I revive my dead
انا واحد من اصل مليون مخطوف
I am one of a million kidnapped
وعايش بزنقة
And living in an alley
بدور عاللي ماخد محلي
Looking for the one who took my place
من أرضي الجديده والسما الزرقا
From my new land and the blue sky
الصوت فيه خنقة
The voice has a choke
الموت فيه حرقة
Death has a burning
والحياه فيها روح
And life has a soul
بالظبط زي ما انت لوح
Just like you are a board
عالخنسه ما بتنوح
You don't mourn the crooked
ولك الخرسه اللي ما بتبوح
And the mute who doesn't speak
الماضي تعيس وبده حرق
The past is miserable and needs to be burned
الفلو ضعيف وبده فلق
The flow is weak and needs to be split
طوه خفيف روح دور ع سلك
Light brick, go look for a wire
انا ملك ع نفسي مش لاني حدق
I am a king of myself, not because someone stared
ف يلا نطمح بلال عبدالقادر
So let's aspire, Bilal Abdel Qader
اذا ما بتنضم رح ضل متحاصر
If you don't join, you will remain trapped
ولك كلها توابع افهم يا شاطر
And they are all consequences, understand, you smart one
كنيسة وجامع ولا مغافر
Church and mosque or no forgiveness
مين الكافر؟
Who is the infidel?
زياد قول إلهم مين الكافر
Ziad, tell them who is the infidel
كلوا الاظافر الكاس بخربش
Eat the nails, the cup is scratching
كتر الامسيز الكاز بخربش
Many yesterdays, the gas is scratching
الكاز متعربش ع جبل املاح
The gas is not Arabized on Mount Salt
والناس اليوم بطلوا ملاح
And people today are no longer sailors
وانا يا إلهي ضيعت اتجاهي
And I, oh God, I lost my direction
وانا عم ببحث ع نجمة الصباح
And I am searching for the morning star
سنتندندن سنتندن
We will hum, we will hum
We will join
You will join
سوف تنضموا.
You will join.

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