Emsallam - مسرح - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Emsallam - مسرح

The theater
إشي غريب اني احس اني بعلم بالغيب
It's strange how I feel like I have a sixth sense
اني اعرف ان انت بعيد مش قريب غريب
I know that you are far away, not close
اني انسى انسان ومحسش فيه
I forget a person and don't feel their absence
وأضلني من جوة ادور عليه
And I look inside me to search for them
و أطلع عمرايه والاقيني فيه
And I go through their whole life and find myself in them
ومش عيب اني ابكي على طول الغياب
And it's not a flaw that I cry all the time over your absence
واستنى يسألني الاغراب
And wait for strangers to ask me
ليش ما في حدا من الاصحاب
Why isn't there anyone from my friends
With you?
إسمع سيبك قاعد انا هونا عم بغني
Listen, leave me alone, I'm singing here
بلكي تيجي الناس بيوم تفهمني
Maybe someday people will come to understand me
تعرف انه صوتي عن جد بخزي وتضل تسمعني
They'll realize that my voice is really good and they'll keep listening to me
إسمع سيبك من المسرح اللي انا عايش فيه
Listen, forget about the theater that I live in
كنت مستمع هسة بكتب وبحكيه
I used to be a listener, now I'm writing and singing
ما في فرق بيني وبين اي مؤدي
There's no difference between me and any other performer
لو حسيت ان الصوت الي بيمشي بهالبيت
If you felt that the voice walking in this house
راح يرجعلي ويقلي تعال ننسى الحيط حسيت
Will come back to me and tell me to come and forget the walls, I felt
اني بعيد عن البلاد وعن الجداد
I'm far from home and family
بعيد وبتفاخر بماضي وامجاد
Far away, proud of the past and glories
انعادت قدامي وإنذكرت كثير
They came back to me and were remembered a lot
إسمع سيبك قاعد انا هونا عم بغني
Listen, leave me alone, I'm singing here
بلكي تيجي الناس بيوم تفهمني
Maybe someday people will come to understand me
تعرف انه صوتي عن جد بخزي وتضل تسمعني
They'll realize that my voice is really good and they'll keep listening to me
إسمع سيبك من المسرح اللي انا عايش فيه
Listen, forget about the theater that I live in
كنت مستمع هسة بكتب وبحكيه
I used to be a listener, now I'm writing and singing
ما في فرق بيني وبين اي مؤدي
There's no difference between me and any other performer
لو ناوي تصحى ونفسك تعرف شو البصير
If you're planning to wake up and want to know what's going on
خد تذكرة وسجل انك زلمه كبير
Take a ticket and sign that you're a big man
فوت وإحضر عرضنا وانشر عرضنا بين الناس
Come in and see our show and share it with people
عرضنا مسرحي تتخيل انه فش في إحساس
Our show is a play, can you imagine it failing in feelings?
كوني مخلوق بمسرح ودوري اني فقط البس بعض الناس جواعد وابدا فيهم اسرح
Being a creature in a theater and my role is just to put on some clothes for people to wear and start walking around in them
وأعزف لحن حزين على نايي القديم وأغفا تحت شجر عديم الروح وأبدا اسرح
And play a sad tune on my old flute and fall asleep under a lifeless tree and start walking around
بكوني مش مخلوق لهالدور الممل اشي بعل
Because I'm not made for this boring role, it's something evil
اني اصحى من نومي الاقي تيس بقرونه بينطح
I wake up from my sleep to find a horned goat butting
حمل وديع راضي وحزين الموت بعينه اريح
A load-bearing, satisfied, sad death in his eyes, I'm relieved
من انه يضل حاسس بذل الكبير مع انه العمل انحل
From the fact that he keeps feeling the great humiliation even though the work is done
والناس راحت عبيوتها تنام بعد ما المخرج انزل
And people went to their homes to sleep after the director came down
الستار وقليل من اللي حضروا العمل تأثر
The curtain and few of those who attended the play were affected
بكونه بحكي عن حياة رجل بسيط مش اكثر
Because it's about the life of a simple man, nothing more
لو انه بحكي عن مشعوذين كان هسة الكل بفكر
If he was talking about charlatans, everyone would be thinking now
لانهم بخافوا من الوهم وقد أُعذر من أنذر
Because they're afraid of the illusion and those who are warned are excused
ما الميه لما تقل بكون جزء منها تبخر
When the water decreases, part of it evaporates
تحصيل حاصل مدام فاعل الك الضو الاخضر
A foregone conclusion as long as the actor is given the green light
قلمي هو لعنتي لما ابدأ اكتب ما بفكر
My pen is my curse when I start writing I don't think
والبيطلع من عقلي عورقي ما بقدر أغير
And what comes out of my mind, my blood, I can't change
إيدي عامل مساعد واللغه فقط كمعبر
My hand is an assistant and language is just a means of expression
بهرب منه لما أزهق من مسرح كل يوم بيتدهور
I run away from it when I get tired of a theater that deteriorates every day
فبلاقي حالي متفرج عمنصة أكبر
So I find myself a spectator on a larger stage
إسمع سيبك قاعد انا هونا عم بغني
Listen, leave me alone, I'm singing here
بلكي تيجي الناس بيوم تفهمني
Maybe someday people will come to understand me
تعرف انه صوتي عن جد بخزي وتضل تسمعني
They'll realize that my voice is really good and they'll keep listening to me
إسمع سيبك من المسرح اللي انا عايش فيه
Listen, forget about the theater that I live in
كنت مستمع هسة بكتب وبحكيه
I used to be a listener, now I'm writing and singing
ما في فرق بيني وبين اي مؤدي
There's no difference between me and any other performer

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