Energy - 7 Day - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Energy - 7 Day

7 Day
7 Day
你摀耳朵 你不想聽 你這麼作只是逃避
You cover your ears, you don't want to listen, you're just avoiding this
沉默十五分鐘 我解釋都沒用
Fifteen minutes of silence, my explanations are useless
地下鐵經過吵雜聲音 和我的心跳一樣混亂煩急
The subway rumbling, chaotic sounds, mixed with my heartbeat, frantic and confused
回憶中你的甜蜜 如今已成泡影
Your sweetness in my memories, now just a fading illusion
不想看你的表情 撲克牌的紅心 Queen
I don't want to see your expression, like a Queen of Hearts, a poker face
想不開的人 不過是白費了力氣
Those who can't let go are just wasting their energy
於是我屏住呼吸 避免感染到傷心
So I hold my breath, trying not to catch the sadness
拿起遙控器 我要使悲傷暫停
I pick up the remote, I want to pause the grief
到底是誰被委屈 我不能輕易中了你的詭計
Who's the one being wronged? I can't easily fall for your tricks
我低頭告訴自己 要玩的下去得靠耐性
I tell myself, to keep playing this game, I need patience
到底有沒有默契 何苦讓自己變得這樣愛恨分明
Is there any understanding between us? Why make myself feel such distinct love and hate?
故事也該有結局 可怎麼贏的全都是你
This story should have an ending, but why do you always win?
你摀耳朵 你不想聽 你這麼作只是逃避
You cover your ears, you don't want to listen, you're just avoiding this
沉默十五分鐘 我解釋都沒用
Fifteen minutes of silence, my explanations are useless
地下鐵經過吵雜聲音 和我的心跳一樣混亂煩急
The subway rumbling, chaotic sounds, mixed with my heartbeat, frantic and confused
回憶中你的甜蜜 如今已成泡影
Your sweetness in my memories, now just a fading illusion
不想看你的表情 撲克牌的紅心 Queen
I don't want to see your expression, like a Queen of Hearts, a poker face
想不開的人 不過是白費了力氣
Those who can't let go are just wasting their energy
於是我屏住呼吸 避免感染到傷心
So I hold my breath, trying not to catch the sadness
拿起遙控器 我要使悲傷暫停
I pick up the remote, I want to pause the grief
到底是誰被委屈 我不能輕易中了你的詭計
Who's the one being wronged? I can't easily fall for your tricks
我低頭告訴自己 要玩的下去得靠耐性
I tell myself, to keep playing this game, I need patience
到底有沒有默契 何苦讓自己變得這樣愛恨分明
Is there any understanding between us? Why make myself feel such distinct love and hate?
故事也該有結局 可怎麼贏的全都是你
This story should have an ending, but why do you always win?
我看不下去 日子過了 One Two Three
I can't stand it anymore, days have passed, One, Two, Three
This scene has no script, a soap opera you're directing all alone
4天 5天 6天 我日夜反覆磨練演技
4 days, 5 days, 6 days, I rehearse my acting day and night
還是非常僵硬 到底出了什麼問題
Still very stiff, what's the problem?
翻來翻去 想不通 這個遊戲的定義
Tossing and turning, I can't figure out the definition of this game
7 Days 還是現在這個惱人的僵局
7 Days, and still this annoying stalemate
因為傷心 所以不想看 不想聽 不想問 不想你
Because I'm hurt, I don't want to see, don't want to listen, don't want to ask, don't want you
That's it, The End of Story
That's it, The End of Story
到底是誰被委屈 我不能輕易中了你的詭計
Who's the one being wronged? I can't easily fall for your tricks
我低頭告訴自己 要玩的下去得靠耐性
I tell myself, to keep playing this game, I need patience
到底有沒有默契 何苦讓自己變得這樣愛恨分明
Is there any understanding between us? Why make myself feel such distinct love and hate?
故事也該有結局 可怎麼贏的全都是你
This story should have an ending, but why do you always win?
7 Days
7 Days

Writer(s): Wei Yun Guo, Kohno Kazuyuki

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