Enigma Norteño - Inclusive Te Amo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Enigma Norteño - Inclusive Te Amo

Inclusive Te Amo
I Can't Help But Love You
Tu Tienes Las Cosas Que Son Compatibles
Your all the things that are compatible
Conmigo, Me Escuchas Me Dices Verdades
With me, you listen to me, you tell me truths
Y Eso Es Tan Difícil En Estos Días La
And that's so hard to come by these days.
Hipocresía Es Lo Común Lo Que Mas Predomina
Hypocrisy is common, what prevails the most
Y Tus Palabras Duras A Veces Me Hacen
And your hard words sometimes make
Creer Que No Me Engañarías, Inclusive
Me believe that you would not deceive me, even
Me Duele Que La Noche Se Llegue Por
It pains me that night should come for
Que Tienes Que Irte Y Tendré Que
You have to go and I will have to
Quedarme Solamente Conmigo Inclusive
Be left with only myself, even
Te Extraño Tu Ya Te Has Convertido
I miss you, you have already become
En Lo Mas Importante En Lo Que Mas
The most important, the most
Sobresale Eres Mi Gran Motivo
Outstanding, you are my great reason
Inclusive Te Amo.
Even, I love you.
Inclusive Te Amo, En Estos Días
Even, I love you, in these days
La Hipocresía Es Lo Mas Común Lo Que
Hypocrisy is the most common, what
Mas Predomina, Y Tus Palabras Duras
Prevails the most, and your hard words
A Veces Me Hacen Creer Que No Me
Sometimes make me believe that you would not
Engañarías, Inclusive Me Duele Que
Deceive me, even it pains me that
La Noche Se Llegue Por Que Tienes Que
Night should come because you have to go
Irte Y Tendré Que Quedarme Solamente
And I will have to be left with only
Conmigo Inclusive Te Extraño Tu Ya Te Has Convertido
Myself, even I miss you, you have already become
En Lo Mas Importante En Lo
The most important, the
Que Mas Sobresale Eres Mi Gran Motivo
Most outstanding, you are my great reason
Inclusive Te Amo.
Even, I love you.
Inclusive Me Duele Que
Even it pains me that
La Noche Se Llegue Por Que Tienes Que
Night should come because you have to go
Irte Y Tendré Que Quedarme Solamente
And I will have to be left with only
Conmigo Inclusive Te Extraño Tu Ya Te Has Convertido
Myself, even I miss you, you have already become
En Lo Mas Importante En Lo
The most important, the
Que Mas Sobresale Eres Mi Gran Motivo
Most outstanding, you are my great reason
Inclusive Te Amo.
Even, I love you.

Writer(s): Benny Camacho

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