Ensi feat. Y'Akoto - V.I.P. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ensi feat. Y'Akoto - V.I.P.

Al mondo siamo in sette miliardi, divisi in due parti
There are seven billion of us in the world, divided into two parts
I trend setter da foto sui rotocalchi
The trendsetters with photos in magazines
Quelle icone seguite da tutti quanti,
Those icons followed by everyone,
Poi tutti gli altri, che definiscono i primi persone importanti
Then everyone else, who define the former as important people
Ma se avessi un club, nel privé dei vip tra le celebrità
But if I had a club, in the VIP lounge among the celebrities
Ci sarebbe mio pa perché mi ha insegnato che la povertà non è un deterrente
My father would be there because he taught me that poverty is not a deterrent
E alla mia età campava già due figli con niente
And at my age, he was already raising two children with nothing
Senza paura ho ereditato la sua testa dura
Without fear, I inherited his stubborn head
Sangue caldo follia pura
Hot blood, pure madness
Trovare una strada fra nessuna via sicura
Finding a way among no safe paths
Perché la forza che ti da chi ami non si misura
Because the strength that those you love give you cannot be measured
E mia madre altro che star system
And my mother, far from the star system
Invecchia e resta bella senza staff di estetiste
Ages and remains beautiful without a staff of beauticians
Mi ha insegnato a non essere triste
She taught me not to be sad
Perché il sole c′è anche durante un eclisse
Because the sun is there even during an eclipse
I never let you down
I never let you down
My love goes underground
My love goes underground
I was losing but now I'm found
I was losing but now I'm found
I′m chasing stars
I′m chasing stars
I stay right where you are
I stay right where you are
You're my heart from here and now
You're my heart from here and now
Grazie ai nonni materni ho gli occhi a mandorla dell'est
Thanks to my maternal grandparents, I have the almond eyes of the East
Grazie a quelli paterni il sud che c′è in me
Thanks to my paternal grandparents, the South that is in me
A entrambi devo questo orgoglio le radici bene a fondo
To both I owe this pride, the roots deep down
Se non sai da dove vieni come puoi capire il mondo
If you don't know where you come from, how can you understand the world
A miei fratelli devo troppo come descrivere
To my brothers I owe too much, how to describe
Anche col cielo addosso sapevamo ridere
Even with the sky falling, we knew how to laugh
Con voi ho imparato a condividere e a dividere
With you I learned to share and divide
E a trovare appigli anche nel male di vivere
And to find footholds even in the pain of living
Non serve dire se hai bisogno chiama già squilla
No need to say, if you need me, just call, it's already ringing
Kilometri di strada in un battito di ciglia
Kilometers of road in the blink of an eye
Ringrazio le persone che mi hanno mostrato come
I thank the people who showed me how
Senza avere lo stesso cognome si può essere una famiglia
Without having the same surname, you can be a family
E ora che la distanza ci separa
And now that distance separates us
Volti noti in sala luci addosso tappeto rosso gran gala
Familiar faces in the hall, lights on me, red carpet, grand gala
Ma questi non li conosco e non mi sento a casa
But I don't know these people and I don't feel at home
C′è un solo posto ovunque vada è la mia gente cara
There is only one place wherever I go, it's my dear people
I never let you down
I never let you down
My love goes underground
My love goes underground
I was losing but now I'm found
I was losing but now I'm found
I′m chasing stars
I′m chasing stars
I stay right where you are
I stay right where you are
You're my heart from here and now
You're my heart from here and now
I never let you down
I never let you down
My love goes underground
My love goes underground
I was losing but now I′m found
I was losing but now I′m found
I'm chasing stars
I'm chasing stars
I stay right where you are
I stay right where you are
You′re my heart from here and now
You′re my heart from here and now

Writer(s): Kieck Jennifer Yan Akoto, Vella Jari Ivan, Bilardo Simone, Furnari Giuseppe

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