Enzo Avitabile - Fuga in Egitto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Enzo Avitabile - Fuga in Egitto

Fuga in Egitto
Flight into Egypt
San Giusep e la Madona
Saint Joseph and the Madonna
I andavu par la strà
They walked along the street
San Giusep e la Madona
Saint Joseph and the Madonna
Ehi, al nost Signur
Hey, to our Lord
I andavu par la strà al nost Signur alleluja
They walked along the street to our Lord, hallelujah
Ant in camp j'era 'n brav omu
There was a good man in the field
C'al semnava dal bon gran
Who sowed good grain
O brav om j'o fam e sei
Good man, I am hungry and thirsty
Ndua pudumma andà a mangià
Where can we go to eat
A j'o mmac dal pan e d'l aqua
I'll give you bread and water
Pan e aqua e 'n poc 'd furmag
Bread and water and a little cheese
O mangè, mangè Madona
Eat, eat Madonna
O mangè vui e 'l vost fio
Eat you and your son
Andè pura o vui brav omu
Go on, good man
Andè pura a seminà
Go on and sow
L'è pasai nen mes'ura
Not even half an hour had passed
E al gran l'era sa jaut
And the grain had already sprouted
J'en rivà i suldà di Erode
Here came Herod's soldiers
Tuti ebrei rinegà
All the Jews denied
O brav om c'at coj 'l gran
Good man who picks the grain
A j'ei vist d'ina masnà
I saw him with a child
L'era chi cun la so mama
He was here with his mother
Quand al semnava ant al me camp
When he sowed in my field
Ndumma andrè, o miei soldati
Go inside, my soldiers
J'eru chi l'ani pasà.
He was here last year.

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