Enzo Jannacci & Paolo Rossi - I Soliti Accordi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Enzo Jannacci & Paolo Rossi - I Soliti Accordi

I Soliti Accordi
The Usual Chords
Sì, vai! (Vado?) Vai, e percuotilo nell′ombra! (E se le prendo io?) No...
Yes, go! (Should I go?) Go, and strike him in the shadows! (What if I get hurt?) No...
(Oh!) Chi e'? (Ma non dovevamo cantarla al matrimonio?) E′ uguale.
(Oh!) Who is it? (Weren't we supposed to sing this at the wedding?) It's the same.
E in fondo alla strada (chi è che c'e'?)
And at the end of the road (who is there?)
Ci son tre ladroni (ah, vabbe′)
There are three thieves (ah, alright)
Sembravano onesti, sembravano buoni
They seemed honest, they seemed good
Eran solo furboni.
They were just sly.
Il primo contava, (Ma son tutti di mia moglie!)
The first one was counting, (But they're all my wife's!)
Il secondo sudava, (tra un ballo, una bionda e un panino)
The second one was sweating, (between a dance, a blonde, and a sandwich)
Il terzo spiegava, ma cosa spiegava,
The third one was explaining, but what was he explaining,
La rava e la fava! (Che storia e′?)
Nonsense! (What kind of story is this?)
E in fondo la storia (dai, spiegamela!)
And in the end the story (come on, explain it to me!)
E' sempre la stessa (cosa ti avevo detto, io?)
It's always the same (what did I tell you?)
C′e' uno che grida, che grida e fa i versi
There's someone who shouts, who shouts and makes noises
Da quella finestra.
From that window.
Si cambiano i nomi,
The names change,
Rimangon bastardi,
They remain bastards,
Tu guarda alla radio, le solite facce,
You look at the radio, the same old faces,
I soliti accordi. (Quali accordi?) I soliti.
The usual chords. (What chords?) The usual ones.
Do maggiore, la maggiore, la minore,
C major, A major, A minor,
Re minore, sol settima, re minore...
D minor, G seventh, D minor...
Do maggiore, la maggiore, re minore,
C major, A major, D minor,
La minore, sol settima, si minore...
A minor, G seventh, B minor...
In mezzo alla strada (Cosa c′e'?)
In the middle of the road (What's there?)
Son tre coi forconi (ah, vabbe′)
There are three with pitchforks (ah, alright)
Ma i piccoli ladri li impiccano sempre
But they always hang the small thieves
I grandi ladroni.
The big thieves.
Il primo strillava (tutti in girotondo, Forza Italia!)
The first one was yelling (everyone in a circle, Forza Italia!)
Il secondo fa i conti (mi scappa un plotone...)
The second one is doing the math (I need a platoon...)
Il tre licenziava, ma dopo spiegava
The third one was firing, but then he was explaining
La rava e la fava.
Do maggiore, la maggiore, la minore,
C major, A major, A minor,
Re minore, sol settima, re minore...
D minor, G seventh, D minor...
Do maggiore, la maggiore, re minore,
C major, A major, D minor,
La minore, sol settima, si minore...
A minor, G seventh, B minor...
E sotto giu' in strada
And down there in the street
Sono in tre caporioni
There are three big shots
Che cantan stonati, ognuno davanti
Who sing out of tune, each in front
Al suo bel karaoke!
Of his beautiful karaoke!
Il primo cantava (Come prima, piu' di prima)
The first one sang (Like before, more than before)
Il secondo ballava (l′avanzo di balera)
The second one danced (the leftover from the dance hall)
Il terzo applaudiva e l′ombra gridava
The third one applauded and the shadow shouted
"Ne' rava ne′ fava!" (E allora?)
"Neither rhyme nor reason!" (So what?)
E allora la storia (la storia cambia?)
So the story (does the story change?)
Non è piu' la stessa (ma cosa ti avevo detto, io?)
It's not the same anymore (but what did I tell you?)
Se un giovane grida, e grida e fa i nomi
If a young man shouts, and shouts and names names
Da una finestra.
From a window.
E rischia la pelle
And he risks his skin
Perché i nomi son tanti (son tantissimi!)
Because there are many names (so many!)
Guardare giu′ in fondo alle Pagine Gialle
Look down at the bottom of the Yellow Pages
Alla voce, Bastardi! (E allora?)
Under the heading, Bastards! (So what?)
Do maggiore, la maggiore, la minore,
C major, A major, A minor,
Re minore, sol settima, re minore...
D minor, G seventh, D minor...
Re maggiore, la minore, si minore,
D major, A minor, B minor,
La minore, sol settima, si minore...
A minor, G seventh, B minor...
I soliti accordi,
The usual chords,
Le solite facce, (si minore diminuito...)
The same old faces, (B minor diminished...)
I soliti accordi, (si minore maggioritario...)
The usual chords, (B minor majority...)
Le solite palle, (si minore proporzionale...)
The same old balls, (B minor proportional...)
I soliti accordi, (si minore referendario...)
The usual chords, (B minor referendary...)
Le solite facce (hehehehe...)
The same old faces (hehehehe...)
Vai e torna vincitore. (Libero stato in libero show!)
Go and return victorious. (Free state in a free show!)
Ma cosa stai dicendo? (e' un epilogo)
What are you saying? (it's an epilogue)
Domandare è lecito, rispondere è fantasia.
Asking is allowed, answering is fantasy.
Capito? (Vabbe′)
Got it? (Alright)
La solita orchestra. I soliti accordi.
The usual orchestra. The usual chords.

Writer(s): Vincenzo Jannacci, Paolo Rossi

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