Non occupatemi il telefono dal mio amore dovro' sapere se vuole ancor ritornare da me devo dir che con lei non volevo litigare chiederle se mi vuole scusare.
Don't keep me on the phone, from my love I have to know, if he/she still wants to come back to me, I have to say that I didn't mean to quarrel with him/her, ask him/her if he/she wants to forgive me.
Il suo viso non so piu' parlare da lontano mi potro spiegare non la vedo e piu facile sara' ripetere
I can't talk to her face anymore, I can explain myself from afar, I don't see her and it'll be easier to repeat,
Perdono amore io non so chi ha la colpa" ma scusa chiedero' e da lei ritornare potro'
Forgive me, my love, I don't know who's at fault" but I'll ask for forgiveness and I'll be able to come back to her/him.
Non occupatemi il telefono dal mio amore dovro' sapere se vuole ancor ritornare da me devo dire che con lei non volevo litigare chiederle se mi vuole scusare.
Don't keep me on the phone, from my love I have to know, if he/she still wants to come back to me, I have to say that I didn't mean to quarrel with him/her, ask him/her if he/she wants to forgive me.
Perdono amore io non so chi ha la colpa" ma scusa chiedero' e da lei ritornare potro'.
Forgive me, my love, I don't know who's at fault" but I'll ask for forgiveness and I'll be able to come back to her/him.
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