Epik High feat. OH HYUK - HOME IS FAR AWAY - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Epik High feat. OH HYUK - HOME IS FAR AWAY

길이 먼데
The road is long,
빈차가 없네
But there are no empty cabs.
비가 같은데
It feels like rain is coming,
처진 어깨엔 오늘의 무게
My slumped shoulders carry the weight of today.
잠시 내려놓고 싶어
I just want to put it down for a while.
Home is far away
Home is far away.
달라진 없네
Nothing's changed.
홀로 남은 놀이터에서
In the lonely playground,
높은 턱걸이에 오른
After reaching that high bar,
여태 까치발 인생
I've been on tiptoes all my life.
내게 요구되는
What's demanded of me
높게 뻗은 손보다 조금
Is always just a bit above my outstretched hands.
세상의 눈높이, 갈수록 에버레스트
The world's expectations, like an ever-growing Everest.
정상을 향할수록 산더미만 되는 스트레스
The closer I get to the summit, the more stress piles up like a mountain.
I know I can never rest
I know I can never rest.
내가 가진 불만들을 잠재워
There's no sleeping pill to silence my frustrations,
수면제는 없으니 혀를 물고 새워
So I bite my tongue and stay up all night.
When I was young,
서는 것부터 가르쳐 이유 이젠 선명해졌어
The reason they taught me to stand in line is clear now.
복잡한 인간관계, 자체가 역설
Complex human relationships, a paradox in itself.
관계만 있고 인간이 하나 없어
There are only connections, no space for actual humans.
평범해지는 두려워서 꾸던
The dreams I chased, fearing to be ordinary,
이젠 평범한 부럽군
Now, I envy the ordinary.
As I stand all alone in the rain
As I stand all alone in the rain,
자라지 않으면 성장통도 그저 pain
Without growth, growing pains are just pain.
길이 먼데
The road is long,
빈차가 없네
But there are no empty cabs.
비가 같은데
It feels like rain is coming,
처진 어깨엔 오늘의 무게
My slumped shoulders carry the weight of today.
잠시 내려놓고 싶어
I just want to put it down for a while.
Home is far away
Home is far away.
갈수록 두려워
I'm getting more scared.
뛰고 있지만 위해서였는지 잊은 발과 심장
My legs and heart are running, but I've forgotten what I was running for.
그저 짐이 되어버린
Dreams that have become burdens,
두고 달리는 내게 유일한 희망
Leaving them behind is my only hope.
걸음만 떼라 부추기네
They urge me to take just one more step,
고개 들었더니 앞은 낭떠러진데
But when I look up, there's a cliff ahead.
뒤를 보니 길게 많은 기대가
Looking back, there's a long line of expectations,
지탱하는 척하며 등을 떠미네
Pretending to support me while pushing me forward.
언젠가 찍고 싶었던 마음의 쉼표가
The comma I once wanted to place in my heart,
숫자들 사이 뒤엉킨 이상
Entangled amongst numbers, an anomaly.
계산적인 세상이 들이미는
The hand offered by this calculating world,
잡기 싫지만, 빈손 되는 겁이
I don't want to take it, but I'm even more afraid of empty hands.
붙잡아도 가는 시간 뿐이겠어?
Is time the only thing that keeps moving forward even when held?
먹구름 하늘을 보며
Looking at the cloudy sky,
한때 나도 꿈이라는 있었는데
I once had something called a dream,
오늘 밤은 잠들기도 어렵네
Tonight, sleep is hard to come by.
위해 잠시
For my sake,
멈춰주면 될까요?
Could you stop for a moment?
더는 걷기가 힘든데
I can't walk anymore,
바람이 불고 아직도
The wind is blowing and still,
길이 먼데
The road is long,
빈차가 없네
But there are no empty cabs.
비가 같은데
It feels like rain is coming,
처진 어깨엔 오늘의 무게
My slumped shoulders carry the weight of today.
잠시 내려놓고 싶어
I just want to put it down for a while.
Home is far away
Home is far away.
넓은 세상에 자린 없나?
Is there no place for me in this vast world?
붐비는 거리에 혼자인가?
Am I alone in this crowded street?
위한 빈자리가 하나 없나?
Is there not one empty seat for me?
Home is so far away
Home is so far away.
내가 해야
The things I have to do,
벌어야 말고도 뭐가 있었는데
What was there besides the money I had to make?
내가 해야
The things I have to do,
벌어야 말고도 뭐가 있었는데
What was there besides the money I had to make?
내가 해야
The things I have to do,
벌어야 말고도 뭐가 있었는데
What was there besides the money I had to make?
내가 가야
The path I have to walk,
나에게도 꿈같은 뭐가 있었는데
Did I even have something like a dream?
I had it,
I had a dream.


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