Erick Escobar Nayo Quintero Y La Decision Vallenata - Esta Soledad en el Alma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Erick Escobar Nayo Quintero Y La Decision Vallenata - Esta Soledad en el Alma

Esta Soledad en el Alma
This Loneliness in the Soul
Me quedo con la sed en los labios
I am left with the thirst still on my lips
De amarte lo que quise y que me quisieras
From loving you as I wanted, and that you would love me
Me quedo con el alma llena
I am left with a soul so full
De tantas esperanzas y hoy no tengo nada.
Of so much hope, and today I have nothing.
A alguien hoy tu vida entregas
To someone else you are now giving your life
Y yo muriendo aquí por Dios maldita sea
And I am dying here, God damn it
Si el beso para despedirte
If the kiss to say goodbye
No fue tan solo un beso
Wasn't just a kiss
Fue mi muerte plena.
It was my complete death.
Pero que voy a maldecir
But what am I going to curse
Mi terco corazón se entrego tanto,
My stubborn heart gave itself so much,
Por ti ha latido siempre y tu lo sabes
It has always beat for you and you know it
Y hoy llenas de mi sangre los caminos...
And today you fill the roads with my blood...
Y yo que había jurado
And I who had sworn
De iluso conquistarte
In my delusion to conquer you
Ni pude conquistar este vació...
I couldn't even conquer this emptiness...
Y otro corazón que solo ayer toco a tu puerta
And another heart, that only yesterday knocked on your door
Ha logrado entrar a los balcones de tus sueños
Has managed to enter the balconies of your dreams
Yo toda una vida tras tus sueños dando vueltas
I have spent my whole life going around after your dreams
Y hoy me he dado cuenta que no pude ser tu dueño...
And today I have realized that I could never be your master...
Y me dejas
And you leave me
Esta soledad en el alma
With this loneliness in my soul
Dime vida
Tell me, my life,
Donde puedo hallar la calma
Where can I find peace?
Si esta angustia
If this anguish
Ha querido maldecirme
Has wanted to curse me
Dime linda
Tell me, my love,
Que hago para no morirme,
What can I do to keep from dying?
.Dime Dios de donde saco fuerzas
Tell me, God, where do I get the strength
Para resistirme...
To resist it...
Y me dejas
And you leave me
Esta soledad en el alma
With this loneliness in my soul
Dime vida
Tell me, my life,
Donde puedo hallar la calma
Where can I find peace?
Si esta angustia
If this anguish
Ha querido maldecirme
Has wanted to curse me
Dime linda
Tell me, my love,
Que hago para no morirme...
What can I do to keep from dying...
Me quedo con las ilusiones
I am left with the illusions
Que al nunca realizarse tocan lo imposible
That by never coming true have touched the impossible
Y hoy mi vida es imposible
And today my life is impossible
Pues volverá a ser vida con un beso tuyo
Because it will only go back to being life with a kiss from you
Y se que ajenos son tus labios
And I know your lips are someone else's
Y yo debo sufrir oh Dios maldita sea,
And I must suffer, oh God damn it,
Si en este atardecer se llena
If this sunset fills
Lo que siempre he soñado para mi orgullo...
What I have always dreamed of for my pride...
Pero que voy a maldecir
But what am I going to curse
Quise tomar la estrella con mis manos
I wanted to take the star in my hands
Sabiendo que lejano era tu cielo
Knowing that your heaven was far away
Y fracase mil veces al intentarlo
And I failed a thousand times in trying
Y hoy debo resignarme
And today I have to resign myself
A negar tu existencia
To denying your existence
Aun sabiendo mujer que yo no puedo...
Even though I know, my woman, that I can't...
Y ese corazón que solo ayer llego a tu suerte
And that heart that only yesterday reached your destiny
Te podrá tocar y llorare mi amarga pena
Will be able to touch you, and I will weep my bitter sorrow
Yo que he sido un loco tonto y necio por quererte
I who have been crazy, foolish, and stupid for loving you
Debo resignarme a los castigos
Must resign myself to the punishments
De tu ausencia...
Of your absence...
Y me dejas
And you leave me
Esta soledad en el alma
With this loneliness in my soul
Dime vida
Tell me, my life,
Donde puedo hallar la calma
Where can I find peace?
Si esta angustia
If this anguish
Ha querido maldecirme
Has wanted to curse me
Dime linda
Tell me, my love,
Que hago para no morirme...
What can I do to keep from dying...
Y me dejas
And you leave me
Esta soledad en el alma
With this loneliness in my soul
Dime vida
Tell me, my life,
Donde puedo hallar la calma
Where can I find peace?
Si esta angustia
If this anguish
Ha querido maldecirme
Has wanted to curse me
Dime linda
Tell me, my love,
Que hago para no morirme...
What can I do to keep from dying...
Y me dejas
And you leave me
Esta soledad en el alma
With this loneliness in my soul
Dime vida
Tell me, my life,
Donde puedo hallar la calma
Where can I find peace?
Si esta angustia
If this anguish
Ha querido maldecirme
Has wanted to curse me
Dime linda
Tell me, my love,
Que hago para no morirme...
What can I do to keep from dying...

Writer(s): Alberto Antonio Mercado Suarez

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