Erik Lundin - Lopeta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Erik Lundin - Lopeta

Stop It
Boy, ndoke fa mo ke ta
Boy, I said stop what you're doing
Vad du än gör, bror, de' lopeta, lopeta, lopeta
Whatever you're doing, brother, stop it, stop it, stop it
Sirenerna fortsätter snurra, du hör hur det låter, va
The sirens keep spinning, you hear how it sounds, right?
Drömmer om kåkar i hemlandet, men de vill ta dig till kåken, va
Dreaming of houses in the homeland, but they want to take you to jail, right?
varenda gång som vi träffas, vi hälsar varandra, ndoke fa mo ke ta
So every time we meet, we greet each other, I said stop what you're doing
Grabbarna höga som hyresrätter, dom röker buketter
The guys are high as apartment buildings, they smoke bouquets
Har alltid haft jobb men har aldrig fyllt i några fakking blanketter
Always had jobs but never filled out any damn forms
Kolla siffror sen brinner servetter
Look at numbers then napkins burn
När folk går Kerstin, ladd och tabletter
When people go on Kerstin, pills and tablets
Finns inga äganderätter
There are no property rights
Tronen och kronan roterar som fakking stafetter
The throne and crown rotate like damn batons
Från västra till norra till söder om Söder
From west to north to south of Söder
Kan inte klandra besluten,
Can't blame the decisions,
Om magar ska mättas behöver de klöver Sitter och
If stomachs are to be filled they need clover Sitting and
Chillar med grabbar som drömmer om högre valörer
Chilling with guys who dream of higher denominations
Kusiner som chillar med bröder,
Cousins chilling with brothers,
Bakk deras fickor står ut som tumörer, ba lopeta, lopeta
Their pockets bulging out like tumors, just stop it, stop it
Vad du än gör, bror, de' lopeta, lopeta, lopeta
Whatever you're doing, brother, stop it, stop it, stop it
Sirenerna fortsätter snurra, du hör hur det låter, va
The sirens keep spinning, you hear how it sounds, right?
Drömmer om kåkar i hemlandet, men de vill ta dig till kåken, va
Dreaming of houses in the homeland, but they want to take you to jail, right?
varenda gång som vi träffas, vi hälsar varandra, ndoke fa mo ke ta
So every time we meet, we greet each other, I said stop what you're doing
Lopeta, lopeta
Stop it, stop it
Stop it
Ndoke fa mo ke ta
I said stop what you're doing
Ursäkta, men tillåt mig påpeka
Excuse me, but allow me to point out
Många av grannarna pratade finska och
Many of the neighbors spoke Finnish and
Allting va lopeta, lopeta (vem tuggar du med, bre?)
Everything was stop it, stop it (who are you chewing with, bro?)
Jag brukade tugga i trakten med Osman och Fodayba
I used to chew in the area with Osman and Fodayba
Våra föräldrar blev galna, ba' lopeta, lopeta, lopeta, lopeta
Our parents went crazy, just stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it
Kom ut i köket, dom sitter och choppar upp stenar som Mr Miyagi
Come out to the kitchen, they're chopping up stones like Mr. Miyagi
Inte sosse min bror, jag är Sosseh precis som Alagi
Not a socialist, my brother, I'm Sosseh just like Alagi
Nasilsin, abi
Nasilsin, abi
Jag bjuder domoda kryddat med Maggi
I offer domoda seasoned with Maggi
Tuggar med Fula, med Wolof, Mandinka,
Chewing with Fula, with Wolof, Mandinka,
Med Jola, my boy sumaraka Njol Badjie
With Jola, my boy sumaraka Njol Badjie
Som en idiot
Like an idiot
Jagade Dalasis från Alahado till Sibitou
I chased Dalasis from Alahado to Sibitou
Gör business med Sirifo
Do business with Sirifo
Erik est vaillant, dom kalla mig Kirikou
Erik est vaillant, they call me Kirikou
Jag kommer tillbaks när jag trabbar toppen där Adama Barrow bor
I'll come back when I'm at the top where Adama Barrow lives
Bor med hyenor som Abouku
Live with hyenas like Abouku
Erik tog flyget tillbaks till Toubaboudou
Erik took the flight back to Toubaboudou
Ndoke fa mo ke ta, ndoke fa mo ke ta
I said stop what you're doing, I said stop what you're doing
I be dokowula minto le, svarar du centrum boy, lopeta, lopeta
I be dokowula minto le, you answer centrum boy, stop it, stop it
Degomo wolof bubba, men fattar du inte, boy, säg till mig, fo deka
Degomo wolof bubba, but don't you understand, boy, tell me, fo deka
À be kaira dorong,
À be kaira dorong,
Tills besöken kåken börjar med "Ndoke fa mo ke ta"
Until the visits to the jail start with "I said stop what you're doing"
Lopeta, lopeta
Stop it, stop it
Stop it

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