Esne Beltza, bad sound system & Glaukoma - Zaunkaka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Esne Beltza, bad sound system & Glaukoma - Zaunkaka

Sofan etzanda eztau ezer eraikitzerik hemen
I can't build anything here if I sit on the couch
Horregaitik nator beste behin Moskura trenez
That's why I'm coming to Moscow once more by train
Betetzettut birikak atzo eneuken kemenez
The kemenez I was playing yesterday has filled my lungs
Inportaue nere hitzak baino zein naizenez ez
My words are not important, but who I am is
Ezautzen naue izenez
I'm known by my name
Txati-txati guay
Cool, small talk
Baberoa daukek laba-laba babaz blai
You've got a bib full of mucus
Nik bauzket bi anai ta beaiekin nau okey
I'm playing okey with my two sisters and my brother
Beste batzuk ondo sentitzeko behar due hitzein
Others need words to feel better
Eztakit ze ta eztakit zein
I don't know what or who
Ezer esan ta ahua zabaltzea
To say something and open my mouth
Inoiz turnoik in ez dunak
Who never works in shifts
Kritikatzeu gaztetxea
Criticizes the youth center
Telebistai pegatuta gizartea
Society glued to television
Gure burun jabe izateko burrukan naigea
I'm fighting to be the master of my own destiny
Bakoitzak bere partea militantzia ta lana
Each does his part, militancy and work
Botatzeixkiun letrak ez dittu ekartzen haizek
The letters I'm throwing at you aren't brought by the wind
Hitzak ospe, zurrumurruk, komentariok ta fama
Words, fame, rumors, comments and glory
Matte detena da Pini ta Morokin elkartzea.
The point is to meet at Pini's and Moroko's.
Zirt edo Zart ezeri arten
Zirt or zart anything in between
Pentsa zertan zabiltzaten
Think about what you're doing
Hainbat egin ta egin arren
Even if you do it over and over again
Zaunkaka, zaunkaka.
Garbage, garbage.
Bat gara
We are one
Musika da gure taupada
Music is our heartbeat
Gure ar mada
Our soul
Borroka eta minen isla da
Reflection of the fight and the pain
Gugan heldu dena bazterrak nahastera
All that comes to us will mix everything up
Ederra da ordenagailun gordeta jarraitzea
It's beautiful to stay on the computer
Jainko bizidunen mendean jaioak gara
We are born in the century of living gods
Gizartearen epaile
Judges of society
Kritikatzaileen plaga
Plague of critics
Sortzaile izandatzen diren euli ilara
A line of moths who become creators
Zaborra besterik ez dakarte mundura
They bring nothing but garbage into the world
Ezer eraiki ez eta azpijokoetan beti zabiltzate marmaka
You've never built anything but you're always gossiping
Bihotza eskutan oihu bakarrik ez gara
Not only do we have heart, we also shout
Handitasunean galtzen den haizearen kanta
A song in the wind, lost in greatness
Lurralde galduetan bilatzen dut arnasa
I look for breath in lost places
Bidean aurkitutako anaien artean
Among the brothers I've found on the way
Hauek ditut familia eta iraina ez da jolasa
These are my family, and disrespect is not a joke
Gizaki guztien nahia ez da bakean bizitzea
Not all humans want to live in peace
Zirt edo Zart ezeri arten
Zirt or zart anything in between
Pentsa zertan zabiltzaten
Think about what you're doing
Hainbat egin ta egin arren
Even if you do it over and over again
Zaunkaka, zaunkaka.
Garbage, garbage.
Ahalik eta zintzoen
As honest as possible
Ibili naizen
I've walked
Lanetik lanera zerbait sortu nahi nuen
I wanted to create something from job to job
Hitzen geziak utziaz alde baten
Leaving the arrows of words on one side
Bizian haziak landatzen
Planting seeds in life
Lokatzetan hainbeste urtetan ibili ta gero neri
After so many years in the mud I
Ez dut onartuko astindutako zapi zuri
Won't accept a white flag of surrender
Gure izerdiari lapurtu diozun ogi
The bread you stole from our sweat
Zure gorrotoa ez da bihurtuko egi
Your hatred won't become truth
Hanketatik hasita janzten gara
We start dressing from the feet
Zu bi pauso haratago joan zara
You've gone two steps further
Galtzekorik ez duzu zuk sentitzen ikara
You don't feel fear because you have nothing to lose
Ez dizut ezer zor
I don't owe you anything
Esnatzen denak
Who wakes up
Aurrez aurrez
Face to face
Pentsa behar dituenak
Who has to think
Zirt edo Zart ezeri arten
Zirt or zart anything in between
Pentsa zertan zabiltzaten
Think about what you're doing
Hainbat egin ta egin arren
Even if you do it over and over again
Zaunkaka, zaunkaka.
Garbage, garbage.

Esne Beltza, bad sound system & Glaukoma - Esna2
date de sortie

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