Esne Beltza - Ni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Esne Beltza - Ni

Ez, ni ez naiz
No, I'm not this
Sortua, zure ispilura esango
Born, I will say to your mirror
Kaiolan lotua txorien modura
Caged like birds in a cage
Ez, ez naiz gizona ez emakumea
No, I'm not a man, neither a woman
Barneko arima askea bihurtu da.
The free soul within has become.
Nik argitzen dut, nire zerumuga
I light my own way, my own destiny
Ni aske naiz, kalean, herrian
I am free, in the street, in the town
Bizi naizen tokian.
Where I live.
Ni nun bizi naiz barruan
I live within the inside
Kanpoan aske zure onduan
Outside free by your side
Nire mesfidetan, zuen ametsetan
In my disbeliefs, in the dreams of yours
Batera eraiki behar dugu mundua.
Together we have to build this world.
Ni aske naiz entzuten, laztantzen maitatzen nauzunean.
I am free to listen, to cuddle when you love me.
Nik ez dut nahi itsuraren
I don't want the appearance
Esklabutzat bizitzan
As a slave in life
Maite dut aurrera bultza.
I love to push forward
Ni laboaren txoria naiz eta
I am the bird of the fog and
Ez didazue hegoak ebaki mesedez
Please don't clip my wings
Ez dut, ez dute hegan egin nahi
I don't, they don't want to fly
Ez aski zait aske izanez
It's not enough for me to be free
Ni aske naiz, kalean, herrian
I am free, in the street, in the town
Bizi naizen tokian.
Where I live.
Ni nun bizi naiz barruan
I live within the inside
Kanpoan aske zure onduan
Outside free by your side
Nire mesfidetan, zuen ametsetan
In my disbeliefs, in the dreams of yours
Batera eraiki behar dugu mundua.
Together we have to build this world.
Ni aske naiz entzuten, laztantzen maitatzen nauzunean.
I am free to listen, to cuddle when you love me.

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