Esne Beltza - Oraindik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Esne Beltza - Oraindik

Oraindik kezkak dauzkagu zalantzen gainean
We still have doubts to overcome
Oraindik esaldiak dauzkagu minganean
We still have sentences hurting us
Oraindik haize errotak lurraren zaindari
Windmills are still the guardians of the land
Zauriak sortzen diren mugetako gau argi
Night lights on the borders where wounds are inflicted
Ta nik oraindik ez dut egien beharrik
And I still don't have to pretend
Eta besarka nazazu
And hold me in your arms
Oraindik irabazten ikasi behar dugu
We still have to learn to win
Oraindik udaberriak bizi nahi dittugu
We still want to live the springs
Oraindik krabelin gorriak bideko helburu
Red poppies on the roadside are still our goal
Oraindik hasten bagara dena lortuko dugu
If we start now, we will achieve everything
Ta nik oraindik ez dut egien beharrik
And I still don't have to pretend
Eta besarka nazazu
And hold me in your arms
Utzidazu zure lurraldetan
Let me explore your lands
Justizia bilatzen
Seeking justice
Oker ote nagoen ohartzen
Realizing if I'm wrong
Utzidazu nire lurraldetan
Let me explore my lands
Justizia bilatzen
Seeking justice
Oker ote nagoen ohartzen
Realizing if I'm wrong
Etorkizun berri bat sortzen
Creating a new future
Zaude, balorez beteta zaude
Stay, you are filled with values
Iraultzarik ez da zu gabe
Revolution won't happen without you
Garaipenik ere ez da sortzen
Neither will victory happen
Bidean gauzarik galdu gabe
Without losing anything on the way
Alde, haizea daukagu alde
Come on, the wind is on our side
Abiatzeko prest gaude
We are ready to start
Esperantza izango da
There will be hope
Gure helburu guztien jaun eta jabe
Master of all our goals
Utzidazu zure lurraldetan
Let me explore your lands
Justizia bilatzen
Seeking justice
Oker ote nagoen ohartzen
Realizing if I'm wrong
Utzidazu nire lurraldetan
Let me explore my lands
Justizia bilatzen
Seeking justice
Oker ote nagoen ohartzen
Realizing if I'm wrong
Etorkizun berri bat sortzen
Creating a new future
Utzidazu zure lurraldetan
Let me explore your lands
Justizia bilatzen
Seeking justice
Oker ote nagoen ohartzen
Realizing if I'm wrong
Utzidazu nire lurraldetan
Let me explore my lands
Justizia bilatzen
Seeking justice
Oker ote nagoen ohartzen
Realizing if I'm wrong

Writer(s): jon garmendia, xabier solano

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