Esnou - La Policia Esta Culia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Esnou - La Policia Esta Culia

La Policia Esta Culia
The Police Are Assholes
Le estan quitando el color a la bandera
They are taking the color out of the flag
Quieren hacerno' creer que estamos en guerra
They want to make us believe that we are at war
Chile no tiene miedo a uniformes ni
Chile is not afraid of uniforms or
Pistolas, ni a balas en fúsiles contra cacerolas
Guns, or bullets in rifles against pots and pans
Estan disparando al pueblo sin piedad,
They are shooting at the people without mercy,
No hacen distinción ni entre menores de edad
They do not distinguish between minors
Apuntando a la bandera que juraron lealtad
Aiming at the flag they swore loyalty to
Disparan dejan en el suelo otro cuerpo ma'
They shoot, leaving another dead body on the ground
Que salgan de la calle militares y policias,
Get the soldiers and police out of the streets,
Solo hacen que aumenten los muertos día a día
They only increase the number of dead people day by day
Torturas por monton golpizas en calles y
Torture by the bunch, beatings in streets and
Esquinas, y quieren que creamos que no jalan cocaina?
Corners, and they want us to believe they don't use cocaine?
La tele tiene a la gente informada,
The TV keeps people informed,
Pero solo de lo que les conviene, esta comprada
But only about what suits them, it is bought
Hay marchas pacificamente organizadas pero
There are peaceful marches organized but
Le estan dando enfasis a escombros y barricadas
They are emphasizing rubble and barricades
Romario Veloz murió de un tiro en la
Romario Veloz died from a gunshot to the
Cabeza ayer por un culiao que abuso del poder
Head yesterday by a shithead who abused his power
Justicia y respuesta para las familias de
Justice and answers for the families of
Todos los caidos el pais ya esta en vigila
All the fallen ones, the country is already on the lookout
Un paco deja el cargo, no quiere ser villano,
A cop resigns, he does not want to be a villain,
Dice que por su familia, parientes cercanos
He says it is for his family, close relatives
No si se retira por lavarse las manos,
I don't know if he is retiring to wash his hands,
Pero acusa a sus colegas de violar derechos humanos
But he accuses his colleagues of violating human rights
Como si no lo supieramo', aweonao!
Like we didn't know, asshole!
Es una de las causas porque el pueblo esta cansao!
It is one of the reasons why the people are tired!
Quieren hacernos pelear pacos infiltrados,
They want to make us fight, infiltrated cops,
Quemando micros, saqueando supermercados
Burning buses, looting supermarkets
Denuncian delitos en medio del caos, provocaos por agente del estao'
They report crimes amidst the chaos, provoked by agents of the state
Que no tienen cerebro ni pa' hacer
Who have no brains or ability to
Diferencia entre manifestación social o delincuencia
Tell the difference between social protest and crime
Impotencia del pueblo por lo que se ha hecho
The people's helplessness over what has been done
El pais se unió pa reclamar sus derechos
The country came together to claim its rights
Piñera no es payaso, es un pobre weon con dinero,
Piñera is not a clown, he is a poor guy with money,
Decirle payaso es insultar a artistas callejeros
Calling him a clown is an insult to street performers

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