Estampie - A la fontana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Estampie - A la fontana

A la fontana
A la fontana
A la fontana del vergier
At the fountain of the orchard
On l'erb'es vertz jostal gravier
Where the green grass is under the gravel
On l'ombra d'un fudt domesgier
In the shade of a medlar tree
En aiziment de blancas flors
Amidst white flowers
E de novelh chant costumier
And the familiar sound of a new song
Trobel sola, ses companhier
I found her alone, without a companion
Selha que no vol mon solatz
She who does not want my love
So fon donzelh'ab son cors belh
She was a maiden with a beautiful body
Filha d'un senhor de castelh
Daughter of a lord of a castle
E quant ieu cugei que l'auzelh
And when I thought that the birds
Li fesson joi e la vendors
Would bring her joy and happiness
- E pel dous termini novelh -
- And through the sweet new season -
E quez entendes mon favelh
And that she would understand my words
Tost li fon sos afars camjatz
Her demeanor quickly changed
Dels huelhs ploret josta la fon
Her eyes wept by the fountain
E del cor aospiret preon:
And from her heart she sighed deeply:
"Jhesus", dis elha, "eis del mon
"Jesus", she said, "redeemer of the world
Per vos mi creis ma grans dolors
My great sorrow I confide in you
Quar vostra anta mi confon:
For your suffering confounds me
Quar li mellor de tot est mon
For the best of all this world
Vos van servir, mas a vos platz."
They served you, but it pleased you."
Quant ieu l'auzi desconortat
When I heard her so disconsolate
Ves lieis vengui jostal riu clar
I went to her by the crystal river
"Belha", fim ieu, "per trop plorar
"My lady", I said, "by weeping so much
Afolha cara e colors
You're spoiling your face and complexion
E no vos qual desperar
And you should not despair
Que selh qui fai lo bosc fulhar
For He who makes the forest bloom
Vos pot donar de joi assatz."
Can give you enough joy."
Ab vos s'en vai lo mieus amicx
My beloved is gone
Lo belhs el gens el pros el ricx
The handsome, the noble, the brave, the wealthy
Sai m'en reman lo grans destricx
Now I am left with great distress
Lo seziriers soven en plors
The steward often in tears
Ai! Mala fos reis Lozoicx
Oh! Evil was King Lozoicx
Que fai los mans e los prezicx
Who killed the humble and the meek
Per quel dols m'es el cor intratz!
Because of whom grief has entered my heart!

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