Estampie - Dame Merci - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Estampie - Dame Merci

Dame Merci
Merci Lady
Dame, merci, une rien vos demant.
My Lady, I humbly beseech thee,
Dites me voir, se Dex vos beneie,
Tell me, may God have mercy upon you,
Quant vos morrez et je, mais c'iert avant,
When we shall die, thou first, I know it true,
Car aprés vos ne vivroiè je miè,
For after thee I would not longer live,
Que devanra Amôrs, celè esbahiè,
What shall become of Love, so full of glee,
Qui tant avez sèns, valour, et j'aint tant
Whom I hold dear with utmost love and pride
Que je croi bien qu'aprés nos iert failliè.
That when we're gone, I fear it will subside.
Par Deu, Thiébaut, selonc mon esciant
By God, Theobald, my heart does so believe
Amors n'iert ja por nule mort perie,
That Love shall never perish, come what may,
Ne je ne sai se vos m'alez guilant,
Or are you mocking me, I cannot say,
Que trop maigres n'estes encore mie.
For you are hale and hearty still, they say.
Quant nous morrons (Dex nos noint bone vie)
When we are gone, may God grant us good grace
Bien croi qu'Amors domage i avra grant
I fear Love's loss will be a bitter blow
Mais touz jors iert valors d'Amors complie.
But Love's great worth shall never cease to grow.
Dame, certes ne devez pas cuidier,
My Lady, do not think I jest or lie,
Mais bièn savoir que trop vos ai améè.
But know that I adore thee, none so high.
De la joie m'en aing plus et toing chièr
In happiness, I hold thee very dear
Et por ce aimà graissè recovréè,
And for this love, I've grown so fat, I fear,
Qui'anu Dex ne fist si tres belè riens néè
That God himself could ne'er have made so fair
Com vos, Dame, mout me fait esmaier
A creature as thyself, my Lady bright.
Quant nos morrons qu'Amors sere finéè.
The thought of Love's demise does fill me with dread.
Thièbaut, taisiez, nus ne doit comendier
Theobald, be still, 'tis not for us to say
Raison qui soit de touz droiz dessevréè.
Such things as defy all reason's sway.
Vos le dites por moi amoloier
You speak thus to appease my loving heart
Encontre vos que tant avez guiléè.
Which you have wronged with such deceit and art.
Je ne di pas, certes, que je vos héè,
I do not say I hate thee, it is true,
Mais se d'Amors me covenoit jegier
But if of Love I had to render due
Ele seroit serviè et honoréè.
It would be served and honored, as its right.
Dame, Dex doint que vos jugiez a droit,
My Lady, may God grant that you may see
Et conoisseièz le max qui me font plaindrè,
The pain your words inflict, and set me free,
Que bien sai, quel que li jugemenz soit,
For well I know, whatever judgment takes,
Se je en muir Amours covient a faindre
If I should die, Love's flame will surely quake,
Se vo, Dame, ne la faitès remaindre
Unless, my Lady, you should bid it wake
Dedanz son leu arriers ou ele estoit,
And keep it burning brightly in its home,
QuÄa vostre sèn ne porroit nuns ateindre.
For none can match thy wisdom, second to none.
Thièbaut, s'Amors vos fait por moi destraindre
Theobald, if Love torments you so for me,
Ne vos griet pas, que, se amer n'estoit
Grieve not, for if I could not feel the flame,
J'ai bien un cruer qui ne se souroit faindre
I have a heart as hard as stone, it's plain to see

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