Estampie - Frauenlobs anckelwyse - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Estampie - Frauenlobs anckelwyse

Frauenlobs anckelwyse
Frauenlobs anckelwyse
Ich sach in einen garten gan
I saw in a garden walk
Altissimus und sine zwolif dinestman
Altissimus and his twelve servants
Er sprach zu in: "Ir hern, ich will uch schencken
He said to them: "My lords, I want to give you a drink
So einen selderichen tranck
Such a splendid drink
Clar luter fin alz er am summerbirga sprang
Clear and pure as it sprang from the summer birga
Ir lieben gest, damit will ich uch trencken
My dear guests, with it I want to toast you
Trincket ir seldenriches her
Drink, my rare lord
Zwar uch getörstet nymmer mer:
For you will never thirst again:
Der ein enpfing des tufels ler
One has received the devil's teaching
Ach tumme welt, daran solt du gedencken."
Oh foolish world, you should think about that.
Johannes gottes minne son
John, son of God's love
Peter paulus zu aller zit der beste jon
Peter, Paul, always the best boy
Mathis mathes des selben rich gesclechte
Matthew, Matthew of the same rich lineage
Filip jacop endre symon
Philip, Jacob, Andrew, Simon
Judam judas thomas sant bartholome so schon
Judas, Judas, Thomas, Saint Bartholomew so handsome
Und ich die loben das hette ich vil gut rechte
And I praise them, that I had very good right
Ein abendessen da geschach
A supper was held there
Gab unser here für ungemach
Our Lord gave for discomfort
Eyn wasser her do got selber sprach:
Water there, where God himself spoke:
"Ich wasche eure füße myn lieben knechte."
"I wash your feet, my dear servants."
Sant Peter sprach: "das wer nit recht
Saint Peter said: "That would not be right
Ir sint myn here so bin ich aber üwer knecht
You are my lord and I am your servant
It wescht mir nit die füßsse myn daz geloubet."
You do not wash my feet, believe that."
"Sant Peter das were missefar
"Saint Peter, that would be wrong
Des riches myn so werst du verwiset gar
Of my kingdom you would be banished
Myns vaters fröudt würdestu gar beraubet."
My father's joy you would be completely deprived of."
Sant Peter sprach: "Owe der pin
Saint Peter said: "Oh the pain
Sol ich von dir gescheiden sin
Shall I be separated from you
Nit laß du mich drut schopfer myn
Do not leave me, my beloved creator
Du weschest beide füße und auch das houbet."
You wash both my feet and my head."

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