Espero no voy a marcharme, no voy a dejarte sin antes decir.
I hope I'm not going to leave, I'm not going to leave you without first saying.
Que lloro que sufro al mirarte, tan cerca mis manos sin poderte asir
That I cry that I suffer when I look at you, so close my hands without being able to catch you.
Quiereme pprque ya creo merecerte
Love me because I already think I deserve you
Porque ya logre ponerte en mi alma tu mas grande altar quiereme solo basta una sonrisa para hacerte tres regaloa son el cio la luna y el mar.
Because I've already managed to put you in my soul your greatest altar, love me just a smile is enough to make you three gifts are the heaven, the moon and the sea.
Yo que soñe con tener un cariño que mandara en mis adentros ya no tengo que buscarlo porque en ti todo lo encuentro ya nomas dime que si
I who dreamed of having a love that would rule within me no longer have to look for it because in you I find everything just tell me yes
Solo basta una sonrisa para hacerte tres regalos son el cielo la luna y el mar (2)
Just a smile is enough to make you three gifts are the heaven, the moon and the sea (2)
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