!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.
!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.
Otra noche mas sin poder dormir
Another night again without being able to sleep
Intentando atraparte
Trying to catch you
Voy consumiéndome como un cigarro
I'm consuming myself like a cigarette
Intentando deslumbrarte
Trying to dazzle you
Como un juego de realidad virtual
Like a virtual reality game
Juraría que he llegado a abrazarte
I could swear I've come to hug you
Y te me escapas entre los dedos
And you escape me through my fingers
En cuanto me quito el guante.
As soon as I take off my glove.
Y es que...
And it is that...
Maldita extraña forma tienes de desaparecer
Cursed strange way you have of disappearing
Maldita extraña forma tienes de perderte
Cursed strange way you have of getting lost
Maldita extraña forma liando tu vida en un papel
Cursed strange way tying your life in a paper
Para después fuego prenderte
To then burn it
Para después.
To then.
Un beso frío en la puerta del hostal
A cold kiss at the hostel door
Malos tiempos, mala vida
Bad times, bad life
Y tu navegas por ríos de cristal
And you sail through crystal rivers
Hablando en plata charcos de heroína
Talking coldly of pools of heroin
Eres la capitana de un yate que siempre va a la deriva
You are the captain of a yacht that is always drifting
Guiada por la luz de un faro
Guided by the light of a beacon
Que te hace encallar
That makes you run aground
Siempre en la misma esquina...
Always on the same corner...
Y es que...
And it is that...
Maldita extraña forma tienes de proceder
Cursed strange way you have of proceeding
Maldita extraña forma de elegir tu vida
Cursed strange way of choosing your life
Maldita extraña forma yo no te puedo comprender
Cursed strange way I cannot understand you
Por qué elegiste la ruta prohibida
Why did you choose the forbidden path
Maldita extraña forma.!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.
Cursed strange way.!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.
Mucho tiempo sin saber de ti y vi tu foto en una revista
A long time without hearing from you and I saw your picture in a magazine
Sobredosis fatal o suicidio
Fatal overdose or suicide
Harta de no encontrar salidas
Tired of not finding a way out
Y esa forma tuya de trasnochar
And your way of staying up all night
Que pareces una vampiresa
That you look like a vampire
O es que los rayos de la luz te hacen daño
Or is it that the rays of light hurt you
Y de día ocultas tu verguenza
And during the day you hide your shame
Y es que...
And it is that...
Maldita extraña forma tienes de desaparecer
Cursed strange way you have of disappearing
Tras ese vicio encanto de tu mirada
Behind that charming vice of your gaze
Maldita extraña forma tienes de proceder
Cursed strange way you have of proceeding
Y es forma tuya de amar cuando no cobrabas nada
And it is your way of loving when you didn't charge anything
Y esa forma de besar!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.!! Déjalo¡¡!! Muerdelo¡¡!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.!! Déjalo¡¡ No lo pienses y sigue corriendo!! Muerdelo¡¡ Es así si no quieres hacerlo.
And that way of kissing!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.!! Leave it.!! Bite it.!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.!! Leave it. Don't think about it and keep running!! Bite it. It is like this if you don't want to do it.
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