Y mientras una limpia lavabos, la otra compra bolsos de channel
And while one cleans toilets, the other buys Chanel handbags
Sara con grandes esfuerzos conseguía
Sara, with great effort, managed to
Duras penas cursar una enfermería
Suffer to study nursing
Mientras Luna y sus escesos acababan con sus huesos en la comisaría
While Luna and her excesses ended up landing her in the police station
Que caprichoso el destino, Luna tuvo un accidente y acabó en el hospital donde Sara hacia unos días que empezaba a trabajar, cuando de repente Sara, que empujaba la camilla se dio cuenta que era igual que aquella ensangrentada niña, la llevó hasta el quirófano, pero no pudo pasar y llorando nada más salir se puso a investigar.
How capricious of destiny, Luna had an accident and ended up in the hospital where Sara had started working a few days ago, when suddenly Sara, who was pushing the stretcher, realized that she was just like that bloody girl, she took her to the operating room, but she couldn't get through and, in tears, she began to investigate as soon as she left.
Efectivamente eran hermanas, la madre de Luna confirmó, que el día que fueron a buscarla, tuvieron que elegir entre dos, Luna está muy grave y necesita, urgentemente un transplante de corazón, cuando Sara supo la noticia, algo en su cabeza se rompió, Sara está sola en su casa mientras piensa en el vacío que siempre había sentido y aunque no la conocía empezó a escribir la carta que encontró la policía,
Indeed they were sisters, Luna's mother confirmed that the day they went to look for her, they had to choose between two, Luna is very serious and urgently needs a heart transplant, when Sara heard the news, something in her head broke, Sara is alone at home while she thinks about the emptiness she had always felt and although she did not know her, she began to write the letter that the police found,
Para mi hermana querida, aunque pienses que estoy loca, yo si me acuerdo de ti, desde el vientre de mamá no pude estar más junto a ti si estás leyendo esta carta es que todo salió bien, y después de tanto tiempo estamos juntas otra vez, cuidanos hermanita, yo siempre quise morir cuando fuera viejita igual que nací junto a ti...
To my dear sister, although you think I'm crazy, I do remember you, from my mother's womb I couldn't have been closer to you if you're reading this letter, it's that everything went well, and after so much time we're together again, take care of yourself little sister, I always wanted to die when I was old like I was born with you...
Luna ya se está recuperando, sus padres que ya es, la hora de contarle quien le ha dado, lo que late dentro de su piel, pero no encuentran bien las palabras, se miran el uno al otro con temor, deciden entregarle la carta
Luna is already recovering, her parents that it's time to tell her who gave her what beats inside her skin, but they can't find the right words, they look at each other with fear, they decide to give her the letter
Que antes de morir Sara escribió,
That Sara wrote before she died,
Pero cuál fue su sorpresa cuando Luna dice no hace falta que me conteis nada, porque sobran las palabras se que el corazón me lo ha dado, mi hermana Sara
But what was their surprise when Luna says no need to tell me anything, because words are superfluous I know my sister Sara gave me the heart
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