Ewan MacColl - Shoals of Herring - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction Ewan MacColl - Shoals of Herring

With our nets and gear we′re faring
С нашими сетями и снастями мы справляемся.
On the wild and wasteful ocean.
В диком и расточительном океане.
Its there that we hunt and we earn our bread
Там мы охотимся и зарабатываем себе на хлеб.
As we hunted for the shoals of herring
Мы охотились за косяками сельди.
O it was a fine and a pleasant day
О это был прекрасный и приятный день
Out of Yarmouth harbor I was faring
Я вышел из ярмутской гавани.
As a cabinboy on a sailing lugger
Юнгой на люггере.
For to go and hunt the shoals of herring
Чтобы пойти и поохотиться на косяки сельди.
O the work was hard and the hours long
O работа была тяжелой и долгие часы
And the treatment, sure it took some bearing
И лечение, конечно, требовало некоторого терпения.
There was little kindness and the kicks were many
Доброты было мало, а пинков было много.
As we hunted for the shoals of herring
Мы охотились за косяками сельди.
O we fished the Swarth and the Broken Bank
О, мы ловили рыбу в сумерках и на разбитом берегу.
I was cook and I'd a quarter sharing
Я был поваром, и у меня была четверть доли.
And I used to sleep standing on my feet
И я привык спать стоя на ногах.
And I′d dream about the shoals of herring
И мне снились косяки селедки.
O we left the homegrounds in the month of June
O мы покинули родные земли в июне месяце
And to Canny Shiels we soon were bearing
И к Канни Шильсу мы вскоре подошли.
With a hundred cran of silver darlings
С сотней кранов серебра, дорогая.
That we'd taken from the shoals of herring
Это мы взяли из косяков селедки.
Now you're up on deck, you′re a fisherman
Теперь ты на палубе, ты рыбак.
You can swear and show a manly bearing
Ты можешь ругаться и вести себя по-мужски.
Take your turn on watch with the other fellows
Будь на страже вместе с другими парнями.
While you′re searching for the shoals of herring
Пока ты ищешь косяки селедки.
In the stormy seas and the living gales
В бурных морях и живых штормах
Just to earn your daily bread you're daring
Просто чтобы заработать на хлеб насущный ты дерзок
From the Dover Straits to the Faroe Islands
От Дуврского пролива до Фарерских островов.
As you′re following the shoals of herring
Ты следуешь за косяками селедки.
O I earned my keep and I paid my way
О я заработал свое содержание и я заплатил свой путь
And I earned the gear that I was wearing
И я заработал снаряжение, которое носил.
Sailed a million miles, caught ten million fishes
Проплыл миллион миль, поймал десять миллионов рыб.
We were sailing after shoals of herring
Мы плыли за косяками сельди.

Writer(s): Ewan Maccoll

Ewan MacColl - The Folk Collection Volume One
The Folk Collection Volume One
date de sortie

1 Shoals of Herring
2 Green Grow the Rashes, O
3 Tibbie Dunbar
4 Lifeboat Mona
5 Come Live with Me
6 Galloway Tam
7 A Braw Wooer
8 A Man's a Man for a' That
9 Handsome Cabin Boy
10 The Banks They Are Rosy
11 Rosalie
12 March with Us Today
13 No Agents Need Apply
14 Printers Trade
15 The Ballad of Jimmy Wilson
16 Big Hewer
17 Young Birds
18 Needle and Thread
19 Hey Ho! Cook and Rowe!
20 When I Was Young
21 Come Fill up Your Glasses
22 Ballad of the Carpenter
23 Ballad of Springhill
24 The Trafford Road Ballad
25 Fireman's Not for Me
26 When I Was a Young Lad
27 The Crooked Cross
28 There's Better Things to Do
29 Brother, Won't You Join in the Line
30 The Space Girl's Song
31 Come All You Gallant Colliers
32 Come Me Little Son
33 Exile Song
34 Lullabye for the Times
35 Haul On the Bowline
36 Paddy West
37 Jack Tar
38 Do Me Ama
39 Whiskey Johnny
40 The Banks of Newfoundland
41 Whup Jamboree
42 A Hundred Years Ago
43 Blow, Boys, Blow
44 Old Billy Riley
45 While Cruising Round Yarmouth
46 Wild Goose Shany
47 Paddy Doyle
48 Row Bullies Row
49 Night, Miscellaneous Street Songs, And the Day's End
50 South Australia
51 The First Ever I Saw Your Face
52 Fitters's Song
53 Street Poetry, Nonsense Rhymes and Songs and Taunts
54 Songs of Rhymes of the Seasons
55 Street Songs, Election Ditties, The Police, Prisons, Enemies, Jeers and Snobs
56 Skipping Rope, Bouncing Ball and Country Rhymes
57 Dusty Miller
58 What Can a Young Lassie Do Wi' an Auld Man
59 Jumpin John
60 To Daunton Me
61 Hey Ca' Thro'
62 Rattlin Roarin' Willie
63 Wha'll Mow Me Now?
64 Duncan Grey
65 Ay, Waukin, O
66 Rantin Dog, The Daddio O't
67 There's Cauld Kail in Aberdeen
68 I Hae a Wife O' My Ain
69 O That I Had Never Been Married
70 I Maun Hae a Wife
71 Landlady, Count the Lawin
72 Cooper O'cuddy
73 Deil's Awa Wi Th' Exciseman
74 Singing Games and Ring Games
75 Home, Families, Neighbors, Streets and Oaths
76 Lord Thomas and Fair Annie
77 I Loved a Lass
78 The Trooper and the Maid
79 Monymusk Lads
80 Glasgow Peggy
81 Mormond Braes
82 Hughie Graeme
83 The Banks of the Nile
84 Elfin Knight
85 Maid Gaed to the Hill
86 The Gardener Chyld
87 Aikendrum
88 False Lover Won Back
89 Johnny Lad
90 She's Fair and Fause

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