eX - No Es Lo Mismo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais eX - No Es Lo Mismo

No Es Lo Mismo
It's Not the Same
Anoche te desesperaste y me llamaste,
Last night you got desperate and called me,
Pa' que yo volviera a darte rico y prendieramo' un bate.
Wanting me to come back and give it to you good, light one up.
Es que ya ni tengo ganas de mirarte porque me
But I don't even want to look at you anymore because you've
He vuelto un zombie seco, el corazón ni late.
Turned me into a dried-up zombie, my heart doesn't even beat.
Siempre mi mai' me lo decía "si quieres ver si to' eso es tuyo dile
My mom always told me, "if you want to see if she's really yours, tell her
Que el barco se hundía" así que un día yo te dije Toy' en
The ship is sinking," so one day I told you I was in trouble and
Olla y ya dizque tu amabas el pana del sueldo e' cebolla.
Suddenly you loved the dude with the onion-skin salary.
Otra cosa, tu que ibas a ser mi esposa, que pasa con tu foto nueva?
Another thing, you who were supposed to be my wife, what's with your new photo?
Pareces viciosa, que pasa con tu clan de amigas super
You look like a junkie, what's with your clan of super
Poderosas que ya te sacan los pies,
Powerful friends who already stick their feet out,
Las manos y to' los trapo en cara.
Their hands and all their rags in your face.
Tu en vanidades y en vida cara,
You in vanity and expensive living,
Ahora lloras porque el karma ya te midió con su vara.
Now you cry because karma has already measured you with its stick.
Yo escondió clave lo mío.
I keep mine on the down low.
El problema tuyo es cualto y en mi casa hay 3 vacíos.
Your problem is money and in my house there are 3 empty spaces.
(Mark b)
(Mark B)
Es que el no te brinda el amor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the love I gave you,
No te brinda el calor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the warmth I gave you,
Ta' bien que el te saque a pasear lunes a
It's fine that he takes you out Monday to
Domingo, pero tu sabes que no es lo mismo.
Sunday, but you know it's not the same.
Es que el no te brinda el amor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the love I gave you,
No te brinda el calor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the warmth I gave you,
Ta' bien que el te saque a pasear lunes a
It's fine that he takes you out Monday to
Domingo, pero tu sabes que no es lo mismo.
Sunday, but you know it's not the same.
(JC la nevula)
(JC la nevula)
Te quedó bien ese papel de fina,
That fine lady act suits you well,
Eso de viajes privados en avión y limusina,
That thing about private jet trips and limousines,
Tanto que te gustaba ver a JC en la esquina y
You used to love seeing JC on the corner and
Después ni te acordabas como su nombre termina.
Then you didn't even remember how his name ends.
Adivina, que la cosa para ti cambio.
Guess what, things changed for you.
Como lo que yo sentía que hace rato se jodío.
Like what I felt that got messed up a while ago.
Vete metete a una iglesia pa' que te perdone
Go to a church so that God can forgive you,
Dios, Mamag como dice Shelow Shaq, conmigo no.
Girl, like Shelow Shaq says, not with me.
Y es que no, ya no se puede por más que lo intentes,
And it's just not possible, no matter how hard you try,
Yo compré un vehículo ya no ando en gente y afortunadamente,
I bought a car, I don't ride with people anymore and fortunately,
Si me recupere de ese accidente donde
I recovered from that accident where
A mi corazón tu lo chocaste de frente.
You crashed head-on into my heart.
Aparentemente no te supo comer tu parte,
Apparently, he couldn't handle your ways,
Tu con el no va' pa' parte por eso ya ni comparte y aparte,
You don't go anywhere with him, that's why he doesn't even share, and besides,
De ti no me queda ni la costumbre deja de
I don't even have the habit of you anymore, stop
Buscarme a mi, busca otra luz que te alumbre.
Looking for me, look for another light to illuminate you.
(Mark b)
(Mark B)
Así que mejor no llames, si me perdiste no reclames.
So you better not call, if you lost me, don't complain.
Que ya tu no va' a ser mi mami, por más que tu te pongas pa' mi.
You're not gonna be my girl anymore, no matter how much you try for me.
Así que mejor no llames, si me perdiste no reclames.
So you better not call, if you lost me, don't complain.
Que ya tu no va' a ser mi mami, por más que tu te pongas pa' mi.
You're not gonna be my girl anymore, no matter how much you try for me.
(Nino Freestyle)
(Nino Freestyle)
Y no e' que toy' lleno de odio,
And it's not that I'm full of hate,
Pero es obvio que a mi me dolió pila ver
But it's obvious that it hurt me a lot to see
Como tu te ibas sin tener ningún motivo.
How you were leaving without any reason.
Descuida que no voy a ser malo contigo que te
Don't worry, I'm not going to be mean to you, just
Olvides de mi por favor es lo único que pido.
Forget about me, please, that's all I ask.
Y no me llame que no te voy a contestar
And don't call me, I'm not going to answer you
Tampoco me tire que no devuelvo pa' atra'.
Don't text me either, I don't go back.
Yo cambie de novia y también cambie de whatsapp,
I changed my girlfriend and I also changed my WhatsApp,
Tu cambiaste de novio pero no de personalidad.
You changed your boyfriend but not your personality.
Así que. Cuidate por ahí, que yo no tengo más na' que decir.
So. Take care of yourself out there, I have nothing more to say.
Pa' hablar mal de mi tu tuviste que mentir,
To speak ill of me you had to lie,
Aunque yo también mentí cuando quise hablar muy bien de ti.
Although I also lied when I wanted to speak highly of you.
Cambiaste sexo del rico buscando un mejor
You traded good sex for a better
Confort y ahora pa poder venirte necesitas un vibrador.
Comfort and now you need a vibrator to come.
Quieres saber que no se compra con dinero?
You want to know what money can't buy?
Mi piquete, mi pingota y mi amor que fue verdadero.
My touch, my essence, and my love that was true.
Ayer fuiste mi beba y ahora te vi en terrenas,
Yesterday you were my baby and now I saw you in Terrenas,
Cobrando 5,000 por polvo, de reina a ramera.
Charging 5,000 for sex, from queen to whore.
Si lo haces por vengarte eso a mi no me hace daño,
If you do it for revenge, that doesn't hurt me,
Eres qué te va' a poner coche bomba en par de años.
It's you who's going to put a car bomb on yourself in a couple of years.
Y lo mejor de tu partida es no volvé a habla con tu pai',
And the best thing about your departure is not having to talk to your dad again,
Ni fingir que me gustaba el locrio que me hacía tu mai.
Nor pretending that I liked the rice your mom made me.
No se que fue más falso,
I don't know what was more fake,
Tus implantes o tus te amo,
Your implants or your "I love you's",
Nuestro día más bonito fue el día que terminamos.
Our best day was the day we broke up.
Es que el no te brinda el amor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the love I gave you,
No te brinda el calor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the warmth I gave you,
Ta' bien que el te saque lunes a
It's fine that he takes you out Monday to
Domingo, pero tu sabes que no es lo mismo.
Sunday, but you know it's not the same.
Es que el no te brinda el amor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the love I gave you,
No te brinda el calor que yo te brindó,
He doesn't give you the warmth I gave you,
Ta' bien que el te saque a pasear lunes a
It's fine that he takes you out Monday to
Domingo, pero tu sabes que no es lo mismo.
Sunday, but you know it's not the same.

Writer(s): braulio guerra

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