Ezad - Alasanmu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ezad - Alasanmu

Your Reason
Ikhlasnya hati sering kali disalah erti
Your devoted heart is often misunderstood
Tulusnya budi tidak pernah engkau hargai
Your honesty is never appreciated
Berlalu pergi dengan kelukaan ini
I'm walking away with this hurt
Ku mengalah ku bersabar
I've given in, I've been patient
Bertentang mata seolah-olah tiada apa
We make eye contact as if nothing happened
Berpaling muka ada saja yang tidak kena
You turn away, there's always something wrong
Mencari sebab serta alasan yang kukuh
Searching for a reason, a solid excuse
Supaya tercapai hajatmu
So that you can achieve your goal
Manis dibibir memutar kata
Sweet words, twisting the truth
Malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya
You even accuse me of being the cause
Siapa terlena pastinya terpukau
Anyone could be fooled, mesmerized
Pujukmu rayumu suaramu
Your sweet talk, your voice
Yang menagih simpati dan harapan
Pleading for sympathy and hope
Engkau pastinya tersenyum
You must be smiling
Dengan pengunduran diriku
At my withdrawal
Tetapi bagi ku pula
But for me as well
Suatu ketenangan
It's a sense of relief
Andainya kita terus bersama
If we had continued together
Belum tentu kita bahagia
We would not necessarily be happy
Selagi tidak kau ubah
Not until you change
Cara hidupmu
Your way of life
Ada rahmatnya bila tidak lagi bersama
There is a blessing in not being together anymore
Terasa jauh diriku ini dengan dosa
I feel so far from sin
Ku tinggalkanmu walau tanpa kerelaan
I am leaving you, although unwillingly
Yang nyata kau tidak berubah
Because the truth is, you have not changed
Bertentang mata seolah-olah tiada apa
We make eye contact as if nothing happened
Berpaling muka ada saja yang tidak kena
You turn away, there's always something wrong
Mencari sebab serta alasan yang kukuh
Searching for a reason, a solid excuse
Supaya tercapai hajatmu
So that you can achieve your goal
Manis dibibir memutar kata
Sweet words, twisting the truth
Malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya
You even accuse me of being the cause
Siapa terlena pastinya terpukau
Anyone could be fooled, mesmerized
Pujukmu rayumu suaramu
Your sweet talk, your voice
Yang menagih simpati dan harapan
Pleading for sympathy and hope
Engkau pastinya tersenyum
You must be smiling
Dengan pengunduran diriku
At my withdrawal
Tetapi bagi ku pula
But for me as well
Suatu ketenangan
It's a sense of relief
Andainya kita terus bersama
If we had continued together
Belum tentu kita bahagia
We would not necessarily be happy
Selagi tidak kau ubah
Not until you change
Cara hidupmu
Your way of life
Katalah apa yang kau ingin
Say whatever you want
Selagi kau dapat berkata
As long as you can speak
Memang begitu sikapmu
That's how you have always been
Semenjak dahulu
From the beginning
Andainya kita terus bersama
If we had continued together
Belum tentu kita bahagia
We would not necessarily be happy
Selagi tidak kau ubah
Not until you change
Cara hidupmu
Your way of life

Writer(s): Abdul Rahim Othman, Lukhman Abd Kadir

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