Eñaut Elorrieta - Deserriko Kontradantza - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Eñaut Elorrieta - Deserriko Kontradantza

Deserriko Kontradantza
Contradance of My Country
Ilargi beteko gau baten
On a full moon night
Isil-isilik gindoazen
Quietly we walked
Mendizerran barrena
Through the mountains
Lagun nuela maitea
With my beloved companion
Ilargia betea bazen
The moon was full
Beteago zen gure pena
Our pain was fuller
Ilargi beteko gau batez
On a full moon night
Mendizerran barrena
Through the mountains
Barkatu dezatela gerrak
May the war forgive us
Dena odoltzen duen gerrak
The war that sheds blood everywhere
Muga zeharkatu baino lehen
Before crossing the border
Ilargi beteko gau baten
On a full moon night
Makurtu nintzen lurra bera
I bowed down to the land itself
Atsekabez musukatzera
To kiss it for the last time
Barkatu nazala gerrak
May the war forgive me
Ene sorterrian utzi nuen
In the land of my birth I left behind
Bizi erdia lokartua
Half of my life asleep
Beste erdia hartu nuen
The other half I took with me
Ez jausteko abaildua
To avoid falling
Orain Frantziako lurretan
Now on French soil
Bihar agian urrunago
Tomorrow perhaps further away
Ni ez naiz herriminez hilko
I will not die of nostalgia
Herriminez bizi iraun baino
Rather than live by nostalgia
Ene sorlekuko lurretan
In the land of my birthplace
Hiru muino mendizerran
Three hills in the mountains
Ta lau pinu baso itxi bat
And a dense pine forest
Bost lur sail lur gehiegizkoa
Five plots of land, too much land
Oi ene herriko lurretan
Oh, in the land of my hometown
Oh Valles!
Oh Valles!
Ene sorlekua!
My birthplace!
Itxaropen bat birrindua
A flickering hope
Oroimina infinitua
An infinite memory
Ta herri bat hain txikia ezen
And a people so small that they
Amets bakarrean sartzen den
Fit into a single dream
Ilargi beteko gau baten
On a full moon night
Itxaropen bat birrindua
A flickering hope
Oroimina infinitua
An infinite memory
Ta herri bat hain txikia ezen
And a people so small that they
Amets bakarrean sartzen den
Fit into a single dream
Ilargi beteko gau baten.
On a full moon night.

Writer(s): Eã‘aut Elorrieta Larrucea, Juan Oliver Sallares

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