FAKE TYPE. - Volstead Bar feat.MAXBET - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction FAKE TYPE. - Volstead Bar feat.MAXBET

Volstead Bar feat.MAXBET
Volstead Bar feat.MAXBET
Drunk as a skunk, I'm giving you some liver tonic
Memory gone, wounded, for what reason?
Today, too, I'm singing with another drink, making a big fuss all alone
笑い上戸 最高潮テンションと血中濃度 トイレへどうぞ
Laughs until tipsy, high spirits, and blood alcohol levels, gotta go to the bathroom
悪くなる肝臓に缶ビール 指使い One Shot One kill
Bad liver, canned beer, finger control, one shot, one kill
便器に向かい... アクション!
Aiming at the toilet... Action!
ノマノマ 1919 Volstead 逆流嘔吐ライカBlowstep
Drink, drink, 1919 Volstead, reverse vomiting, Ryka blowstep
独り身富のみProspect 臓物に高純度スノーウェア
Bachelor's paradise, prospect, high-purity snow wear for the organs
酔っ払ってぶん投げる主導権 ソムリエ Comin' up ぶどう園
Throwing away authority while drunk, sommelier coming up, vineyard
ばっくれてまた来たフロムエーもスルーして乾杯だ Oh Yeah
Skipping again, coming from A, and also passing through to toast. Oh Yeah
Once upon a time in the world.
Once upon a time in the world.
The Untouchable come from Japan.
The Untouchable come from Japan.
Dance floor 会心のBomb 巻き込んで潰れちゃう Head Bang.
Dance floor, perfect bomb, head bang with a twist.
いつの間に困難な一人立ち 夢の中ですらこんなに千鳥足
When did I become so unsteady on my feet? I'm drunk even in my dreams.
爽やかに注ぐ陽の光浴びても damn... 逆に気持ち悪い
I can still feel the sunlight in the morning, damn it... it's even worse
Alcohol seeping into the depths of my body
Body rock, Party up. やっぱりあるEncore
Body rock, party up. Another encore
Fu Volstead and big up Al Capone.
Fu Volstead and big up Al Capone.
Drunk, Drunk, Drunk!! 酒で割る悪者stance
Drunk, drunk, drunk! Booze-fueled mischief
Alcohol creeping into my mind
Straight No chaser. 一気飲み Love call
Straight no chaser. Bottoms up, love call
Raise your glass. We are Al Capone.
Raise your glass. We are Al Capone.
Drunk, Drunk, Drunk!! 叫び出す 我がMonster
Drunk, drunk, drunk! My monster within cries out
I walk with all my might, but I'm spreading chaos everywhere I go
もうシラフでも無い 光るネオンの街満たすゲロに酔っ払い
Even sober, I'm not myself. The streets are filled with neon lights and vomit from the drunks
Everybody聞いてくれ 俺は飲めん 小さいのは無し
Everybody, listen up. I can't drink. No small ones
マジな話 実際もうヤバイ あ〜い?
Seriously, it's really bad. Huh?
手が震えてるのは多分病じゃない 寒いからじゃない?
My hands are shaking, but it's probably not a disease. Maybe it's because I'm cold?
駆けつけ一杯無条件 ライカ巡航戦車クロムウェル
A drink without asking, the Ryka cruiser tank Cromwell
義理堅い兄貴情夫飲兵衛 無礼講も可能にする凄腕
Brotherly love, drinking buddies, and a tough guy who can even handle reckless behavior
仕事終わりひとくちめゴールデン ぶっ壊す人見知りブロック塀
The first sip after work is golden, breaking down the shy brick wall
普段は真面目で能面なあの子も呑んじゃえば Oh Yeah
Usually, she's serious and expressionless, but when she's had a drink, she's Oh Yeah
Even in this heartless world, everything is a drinking companion
怒りも悲しみも飲み干しちまえば 花が咲く 話の種の仲間さ
Drink away your anger and sadness, and you'll find stories to share
My pace, Your pace. 生ビール、カクテル、ブランデー
My pace, your pace. Draft beer, cocktails, brandy
ウイスキー、ウォッカ、焼酎、シャンパン 君の瞳に乾杯
Whiskey, vodka, shochu, champagne. Cheers to your eyes
FAKE TYPE. then Oh Yeah MAXBET and Oh Yeah
二つ合わされば当然 Oh Yeah Oh Yeah
When these two come together, it's Oh Yeah Oh Yeah
Stir the waves of time with a muddler
飲干したいならTurn It Up...
If you want to drink it up, turn it up...
見た目クリアでも不透明 一気カマかけスロウペース
Clear in appearance, but opaque. One shot, slow pace
暴発まで一直線 お前ら脅かす黒船
A black ship that threatens you on a direct course to detonation
乾くほど中毒性 マシマシコールで潤うヘッズ
Addictive when dry, refreshing when wet
素面でもOh! Oh! Oh! Oh! IWASAKI SAY..."Fu You Volstead"
Even sober, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! IWASAKI says... "Fu You Volstead"
Alcohol seeping into the depths of my body
Body rock, Party up. やっぱりあるEncore
Body rock, party up. Another encore
Fu Volstead and big up Al Capone.
Fu Volstead and big up Al Capone.
Drunk, Drunk, Drunk!! 酒で割る悪者stance
Drunk, drunk, drunk! Booze-fueled mischief
Alcohol creeping into my mind
Straight No chaser. 一気飲み Love call
Straight no chaser. Bottoms up, love call
Raise your glass. We are Al Capone.
Raise your glass. We are Al Capone.
Drunk, Drunk, Drunk!! 叫び出す 我がMonster
Drunk, drunk, drunk! My monster within cries out

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