FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE - FANTASTIC 9 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE - FANTASTIC 9

相変わらず僕らは 足りないものだらけで
As usual, we are full of shortcomings,
君の存在がそれを 埋めてくれてます
Your presence fills them.
A reason for us to try everyday,
いつも優しい笑顔の 君のおかげです
It's all thanks to you with your gentle smile.
聞こえてるかな この歌声が
Can you hear this song?
届いてるかな 君への愛しさが
Can you receive my love for you?
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... やがて ピンクに 染まる空が
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... Gradually the sky turns pink
今日という日を しあわせに終わらせる
It ends today happily.
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... 長い旅だと 知ってるから
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... I know that it is a long journey
1mmでもいい 明日も前に進んで行くんだ
Even for 1mm, tomorrow I will keep moving forward.
悲しいことなんて 起こらなきゃいいのにな
I wish that sad things would never happen.
だけど現実はときに 脆く残酷で
However, at times, reality is weak and cruel,
もっともっともっと 僕らは強くなりたい
More and more we wish to become stronger,
例えば君の夢さえ 叶えられるくらい
For example, strong enough to make your dreams come true.
離れ離れでも ほどけたりしない
Even if we are separated, our bond will never break,
絆があるって 君には伝えよう
I will tell you that we have a connection.
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... やがて ピンクに 染まる空は
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... Gradually the sky turns pink,
夜に包まれ 新しい朝になる
It will be enveloped by night, and a new morning will come.
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... ひとつ ゴールが 見えるたびに
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... Every time I see the goal,
僕らは絶対に 君と一緒にテープを切るんだ
We will definitely cut the ribbon with you.
ちぐはぐで小さな 9stars
Awkward and small 9stars
繋がって いつか
Connecting together, one day
We will become a constellation that shines bright.
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... やがて ピンクに 染まる空が
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... Gradually the sky turns pink
今日という日を しあわせに終わらせる
It ends today happily.
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... 長い旅だと 知ってるから
Lalala Lalala Lalalala... I know that it is a long journey
1mmでもいい 明日も前に進んで行くんだ
Even for 1mm, tomorrow I will keep moving forward.

Writer(s): 春川仁志, Safari Natsukawa

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