FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE - ターミナル - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE - ターミナル

思い通りにならない 時計をはめながら
Putting on a watch that doesn't go the way you want
眩しい明日捜して 遠い遠い旅路みんな 進んで行く
Looking for a bright tomorrow, a long, long journey, everyone is moving forward
離れ離れになって 違う街に住み
We are separated and live in different towns
ちぐはぐな日常 当たり前になり
Everyday's out of sync, it's the norm
But we are still connected
ビニール傘をさして 見上げる空はグレイ
Holding a plastic umbrella, looking up at the gray sky
君は「雨が好き」と いつも言ってた
You always said, "I like the rain"
もうすぐ会いに行くよ ターミナル 人込みをかき分け
I'm going to see you soon, pushing through the crowds at the terminal
胸いっぱいの (to you) 笑顔 (to you) 抱えながら 帰るよ
Chest full of (to you) smile (to you), I'm going home
少し窓を開けよう 緑が萌えている
Let's open the window a little, the greenery is budding
このトンネル抜けたら 風の匂い変わるんだ 知っているかい?
If we go through this tunnel, the wind will smell different, you know?
ビルもタワーもないけれども 君とたくさんの友達 待ってる Home town
There are no buildings or towers, but there are many friends waiting for you at your home town
今(今)でも(でも) 心は繋がっている (繋がっている)
Even now (now), (but) our hearts are connected (connected)
忘れるふりしながら 忘れたことはないよ
While pretending to forget, I've never forgotten
僕はそうやって懸命に 暮らしていた
That's how I've been earnestly living
「そろそろ駅に着く」と メッセージ送り終わったあと
After I finished sending a message that says, "I'll be at the station soon"
郷愁が (My heart) 車窓を (My heart) 流れながら 広がる
Nostalgia (my heart) flows through the car window (my heart) and spreads
あの朝 (朝) 電車に (Ah) 乗り込む その時
That morning (morning) when (ah) I got on the train
泣きそうな顔して 微笑ってた君
You were smiling with a face that looked like you were about to cry
I′m back to home town
I'm back to my hometown
忘れるふりしながら 忘れたことはないよ
While pretending to forget, I've never forgotten
僕はそうやって懸命に 暮らしていた
That's how I've been earnestly living
「そろそろ駅に着く」と メッセージ 送り終わったあと
After I finished sending a message that says, "I'll be at the station soon"
郷愁が (My heart) 車窓を (My heart) 流れながら 広がる
Nostalgia (my heart) flows through the car window (my heart) and spreads
I'm going home

Writer(s): Chris Meyer, Masato Odake, Sein

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