FL - Al Salir - traduction des paroles en anglais

Al Salir - FLtraduction en anglais

Al Salir
Upon Leaving
No quiero ver más allá
I don't want to look beyond
Yo no me quiero fallar
I don't want to fail myself
Temo a callar
I'm afraid to be silent
No quiero ver más allá
I don't want to look beyond
Yo no me quiero fallar
I don't want to fail myself
Temo a callar
I'm afraid to be silent
Despiertan preocupaciones que en mi mente no habitaban
Concerns awaken that did not dwell in my mind
Esas que gracias a mi edad y mi madre ignoraba
Those that thanks to my age and my mother I ignored
¿Qué hacer? Para sobrevivir en esta selva
What to do? To survive in this jungle
Donde no todos se salvan, y no dejan que resuelvas
Where not everyone is saved, and they don't let you solve
El acertijo, para una vida estable
The puzzle, for a stable life
Sea por gente que no apoya, sea porque la gente hable
Be it from people who don't support, be it because people talk
Me levanto con sueños, no decae ninguno
I wake up with dreams, none of them fade
Aunque no tenga doscientos para un pan al desayuno
Even though I don't have two hundred for a loaf of bread for breakfast
Hoy hallo otro camino difícil de recorrer
Today I find another path difficult to tread
Con fieras que me persiguen, imposible retroceder
With beasts pursuing me, impossible to turn back
Mi padre nunca estuvo, mi madre cuida sus hijos
My father was never there, my mother cares for her children
Hoy comprendo cuan vital son sus abrazos, su cobijo
Today I understand how vital their embraces, their shelter are
Un hombre la acompaña y ha acompañado a sus niños
A man accompanies her and has accompanied her children
Dándoles dinero, creyendo que eso es cariño
Giving them money, believing that that is love
Y yo, ya crecí lo suficiente
And I, have grown enough
Para entender que sentado nunca me tendrá la gente
To understand that sitting down will never make people respect me
Tantos consejos y palabras repetidas veces
So much advice and words repeated over and over
Que te hacen ser persona y madurar cuando creces
That make you a person and mature as you grow
Tantas personas, tantos ejemplos de vida
So many people, so many examples of life
Tantos que dicen que esta vida está prohibida
So many who say that this life is forbidden
Tantos encantos, tantos cuentos de pequeño
So much charm, so many stories from childhood
La vida no es cuento, todo depende del empeño
Life is not a story, everything depends on your commitment
De la perseverancia y firmeza en cada paso
On perseverance and firmness in each step
De la esperanza y la paciencia en el fracaso
On hope and patience in failure
El segundo de la lista, entre 5 que criaste
The second on the list, among 5 that you raised
Por los que te mataste, los que pa' ti no eran lastres
For whom you killed yourself, those who were not a burden to you
Hoy vuelves a tu tierra, esa donde hubo guerra
Today you return to your homeland, the one where there was war
La tierra donde te criaste y a la que te aferras
The land where you were raised and to which you cling
Mientras un segundero, sigue su curso y no para
While a second hand continues its course and does not stop
Digo cuanto te quiero y si tu solo escucharas
I say how much I love you and if you would only listen
Palabra por palabra, si tan solo miraras
Word for word, if you would only look
Verías que desde lejos veo en las mañanas tu cara
You would see that from afar I see your face in the mornings
No quiero ver más allá
I don't want to look beyond
Yo no me quiero fallar
I don't want to fail myself
Temo a callar
I'm afraid to be silent
No quiero ver más allá
I don't want to look beyond
Yo no me quiero fallar
I don't want to fail myself
Temo a callar
I'm afraid to be silent

Writer(s): Fl

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