FLOW - MY LIFE - traduction des paroles en anglais

MY LIFE - FLOWtraduction en anglais

3度目のデートで 告るかやめるか
On our third date, should I ask you to marry me or let it be?
大事な誕生日 指輪か時計か
It is your birthday, should I get you a ring or a watch?
お食事の後には 帰るか誘うか
After dinner, should I walk you home or ask you out again?
There are forks in the road in life.
今日もまたケンカ 謝罪か別れか
Today we had another fight, should I apologize or break up with you?
キビシイ一言だ 仕事か私か
You said some harsh words, do I put my job or you first today?
ほんの出来心で 彼女かアノ子か
It was an impulsive thought, should I choose her or you?
I am bombarded with so many impossible choices.
答えを求め 右に左にゆれて いつも僕ら 迷うけど
Seeking the answers, I sway from one side to the other, and so do you, but we always hesitate.
オリジナルで行こう 悩んで迷って進もう
We should do it our own way, worry and wonder, and move forward.
Because I am who I am, I can't be anyone else.
一度きりの MY LIFE
This is my one and only MY LIFE.
部長はオシャレです なんだその趣味は
My manager is stylish, what is up with his taste?
勉強になります そんなわけない
He says he is learning from me, but I don't believe him.
残業はもちろん 早く帰りたい
Of course I need to work overtime, but I want to go home early.
What we say and what we mean are totally different.
本音かくして 人の間ゆれて 時に僕ら 悩むけど
Hiding our true thoughts, we sway from one person to another, and sometimes we, I hesitate.
オリジナルで行こう 悩んで迷って進もう
We should do it our own way, worry and wonder, and move forward.
Because you are who you are, you can't be anyone else.
一度きりの MY LIFE
This is your one and only MY LIFE.
疲れた心を 癒してくれるのは 愛しのポチだけ そばにいて
My beloved dog, you are the only one who heals my tired heart, please stay by my side.
オリジナルで行こう 悩んで迷って進もう
We should do it our own way, worry and wonder, and move forward.
Because I am who I am, I can't be anyone else.
オリジナルで行こう 悩んで迷って進もう
We should do it our own way, worry and wonder, and move forward.
限りある時間の中を 全力で
Through the limited time we have, we must live it to the fullest.
一度きりの MY LIFE
This is your one and only MY LIFE.
彼女とは破局 七転び八起き
My girlfriend and I broke up, but it will all be OK.
突然の昇進 棚からぼたもち
I was suddenly promoted, what a lucky break.
止まらずに進めよ 時は金なり
We must keep moving forward, time is money.
良くも悪くも オリジナル MY LIFE
For better or for worse, This is my one of a kind MY LIFE.

Writer(s): Asakawa (pka Take) Takeshi, Hayashi (pka Keigo) Keigo

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