Fabrizio De André - Don Raffaè - live tour 'Anime Salve' - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fabrizio De André - Don Raffaè - live tour 'Anime Salve'

Don Raffaè - live tour 'Anime Salve'
Don Raffaè - live tour 'Saved Souls'
Io mi chiamo Pasquale Cafiero
My name is Pasquale Cafiero
E son brigadiero del carcere oine′
And I'm a brigadier at the prison, you see
Io mi chiamo Cafiero Pasquale
My name is Cafiero Pasquale
Sto a Poggioreale dal '53
I've been at Poggioreale since '53
E al centesimo catenaccio
And by the hundredth padlock
Alla sera mi sento uno straccio
In the evening, I feel like a rag
Per fortuna che al braccio speciale
Luckily, in the special wing
C′e' un uomo geniale che parla co'mme.
There's a brilliant man who talks like me.
Tutto il giorno con quattro infamoni
All day long with four scoundrels
Briganti, papponi, cornuti e lacche′
Bandits, pimps, cuckolds, and lackeys
Tutte ll′ore co' ′sta fetenzia
All hours with this stench
Che sputa minaccia e s"a piglia co' mme
That spits threats and picks fights with me
Ma alla fine m′assetto papale
But in the end, I dress myself up like the Pope
Mi sbottono e mi leggo 'o ggiurnale
I unbutton and read the newspaper
Mi consiglio con don Raffae′
I seek advice from Don Raffaè
Mi spiega che penso e bevimm"o ccafe'.
He explains what I think, and we drink coffee together.
Ah, che bellu ccafe'
Ah, what beautiful coffee
Sulo ′n carcere ′o sanno fa'
Only in prison do they know how to make it
Co′ 'a recetta ch′a Cicirinella
With the recipe that Cicirinella
Compagno di cella ci ha dato mamma'.
My cellmate's mother gave us.
Prima pagina venti notizie
Front page, twenty news stories
Ventuno ingiustizie e lo Stato che fa
Twenty-one injustices, and what does the State do?
Si costerna, s′indigna, s'impegna
It's dismayed, indignant, committed
Poi getta la spugna con gran dignita'.
Then throws in the towel with great dignity.
Mi scervello. mi asciugo la fronte
I rack my brain, I wipe my brow
Per fortuna c′e′ chi mi risponde
Luckily, there's someone who answers me
A quell'uomo sceltissimo e immenso
To that most chosen and immense man
Io chiedo consenso, a don Raffae′.
I ask for consent, from Don Raffaè.
Un galantuomo che tiene sei figli
A gentleman with six children
Ha chiesto una casa e ci danno consigli
Asked for a house and they give him advice
L' assessore che Dio lo perdoni
The councilman, may God forgive him
′Ndentro 'a roulotte ci alleva i visoni.
Raises minks inside a trailer.
Voi vi basta una mossa, una voce
All you need is a move, a word
C′a 'stu Cristo ci leva 'na croce.
And this Christ takes a cross off us.
Con rispetto, s′e′ fatto le tre
With respect, you've done three years
Vulite 'a spremuta o vulite ′o caffe'?
Would you like a squeezed juice or would you like coffee?
Ah, che bellu ccafe′
Ah, what beautiful coffee
Sulo 'n carcere ′o sanno fa'
Only in prison do they know how to make it
Co' ′a recetta ch′a Cicirinella
With the recipe that Cicirinella
Compagno di cella ci ha dato mamma'
My cellmate's mother gave us.
Ah, che bellu ccafe′
Ah, what beautiful coffee
Sulo 'n carcere ′o sanno fa'
Only in prison do they know how to make it
Co′ 'a recetta di Cicirinella
With Cicirinella's recipe
Compagno di cella precisa a mamma'
My cellmate's precise mother gave us
′Cca ci sta l′inflazione, la svalutazione
Here there's inflation, devaluation
E la borsa ce l'ha chi c′e' l′ha
And the stock market belongs to those who have it
Io non tengo compendio che chillo stipendio
I have no other income than that salary
E' un ambo se sogno a papa′
It's a winning combination if I dream of the Pope
Aggiungete mia figlia Innocenza
Add my daughter Innocenza
Vuo' 'o marito, nun tiene pazienza
She wants a husband, she has no patience
Non vi chiedo la grazia pe′mme
I don't ask for grace for myself
Vi faccio la barba o la fate da se′?
Will you shave your beard or will you do it yourself?
Voi tenete un cappotto cammello
You have a camel coat
Che al maxi-processo eravate 'o cchiu bello,
That at the maxi-trial you were the most handsome,
Un vestito gessato marrone
A pinstripe brown suit
Cosi′ ci è sembrato alla televisione
That's how it seemed to us on television
Pe 'ste nozze vi prego Eccellenza
For this wedding, I beg you, Your Excellency
Mi prestasse pe′ ffare presenza
Would you lend it to me to make an appearance
Io gia' tengo le scarpe e ′o gile'
I already have the shoes and the waistcoat
Gradite 'o Campari o vulite ′o ccafe′?
Would you like a Campari or would you like coffee?
Ah, che bellu ccafe'
Ah, what beautiful coffee
Sulo ′n carcere 'o sanno fa′
Only in prison do they know how to make it
Co' ′a recetta ch'a Cicirinella
With the recipe that Cicirinella
Compagno di cella ci ha dato mamma'.
My cellmate's mother gave us.
Ah, che bellu ccafe′
Ah, what beautiful coffee
Sulo ′n carcere 'o sanno fa′
Only in prison do they know how to make it
Co' ′a ricetta di Cicirinella
With Cicirinella's recipe
Compagno di cella preciso a mamma'.
My cellmate's precise mother gave us.
Qui non c′e' piu' decoro, le carceri d′oro
Here there's no more decorum, golden prisons
Ma chi ll′ha mai viste, chissa'
But whoever saw them, who knows
Cheste so′ fatiscenti pe' cchisto ′e fetienti
These are dilapidated, that's why they're fetid
Si tengono l'immunita′
They keep their immunity
Don Raffae' voi politicamente
Don Raffaè, politically
Io vi giuro sarebbe 'nu santo
I swear you would be a saint
Ma a′cca dinto voi state a paga′
But in here you're paying
E fora chist'atre se stanno a spassa′.
And outside these others are having fun.
A proposito, tengo nu frate
By the way, I have a brother
Che da quindici anni sta disoccupato
Who has been unemployed for fifteen years
Chillo ha fatto cinquanta concorsi
He has taken fifty exams
Novanta domande e duecento ricorsi
Ninety applications and two hundred appeals
Voi che date conforto e lavoro,
You who give comfort and work,
Eminenza, vi bacio e v'imploro
Your Eminence, I kiss you and implore you
Chillo dorme cu mamma e cu mme
He sleeps with my mother and me
Che crema d′Arabia ch'e′ cchistu ccafe'.
What Arabian cream this coffee is.

Writer(s): Massimo Bubola, Mauro Pagani, Fabrizio De Andre'

Fabrizio De André - Anime salve - Il concerto 1997
Anime salve - Il concerto 1997
date de sortie

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