Fabián Corrales - Si Te Vuelven a Herir - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fabián Corrales - Si Te Vuelven a Herir

Si Te Vuelven a Herir
If They Hurt You Again
Te enteraste de que yo daria hasta mi vida por ti,
You found out that I would give even my life for you,
Que estoy en el mundo para tenerte fe.
That I am in this world to have faith in you.
Que mataría por tu amor y aprovechaste
That I would kill for your love and you took advantage
Mi ilusión para olvidar a quien te hirió.
Of my hope to forget the one who hurt you.
Y olvidaste pero no quisiste enamorarte de mi,
And you forgot but you didn't want to fall in love with me,
Y como el ave que cura su herida y se va te fuiste sin oir a DIOS
And like the bird that heals its wound and flies away, you left without listening to GOD
Y DIOS me dijo que yo, ay tal vez me podría morir...
And GOD told me that I, oh maybe I could die...
Ya no queda nada de ti, todo el mundo se imaginó que
There is nothing left of you, everyone imagined that
Ibas a burlarte de mí, pero nadie me lo contó...
You were going to make fun of me, but nobody told me...
Ya no queda nada de ti, yo fui una mentira no más pero si
There is nothing left of you, I was just a lie but if
Te vuelven a herir, ven que yo te vuelvo a curar...
They hurt you again, come back and I'll heal you again...
Que me importa que te gastes media vida decidiéndote a
What do I care if you spend half your life deciding to
Love me
Y que me importa perder a ese buen amigo que me
And what do I care about losing that good friend who
Pide no quererte
Asks me not to love you
Si aun te amo y en el nombre de Dios te perdono.
If I still love you and in the name of God I forgive you.
Ya no queda nada de ti, todo el mundo se imaginó
There is nothing left of you, everyone imagined
Que ibas a burlarte de mí, pero nadie me lo contó...
That you were going to make fun of me, but nobody told me...
Este frio diariamente insiste en preguntarme por ti,
This cold daily insists on asking me about you,
Y sigo pensando que tus cartas de ayer son la sombra de
And I keep thinking that your letters from yesterday are the shadow of
La fe
De que te vuelvo a encontrar, pero ya no te amaré.
That I will find you again, but I will not love you anymore.
Por amarte,
For loving you,
He tirado a la basura mi alma y mi fe,
I have thrown my soul and my faith in the trash,
Me ha tocado sonreir sintiendo perder mi orgullo y la
I have had to smile feeling my pride and
De que te puedo olvidar ay y no morirme por ti.
Fade away, that I can forget you oh and not die for you.
Ya no queda nada de ti, tu recuerdo se me esfumó,
There is nothing left of you, your memory has vanished,
Me han contado cosas de ti que han herido mi corazón...
I have been told things about you that have hurt my heart...
Mis amigos lloran también ellos saben que me paso, que
My friends cry too, they know what's happening to me, that
Te amaba tanto mujer, pero el amor no me alcanzó...
I loved you so much woman, but love wasn't enough...
Pa' poder justificar tus pretensiones y tus gestos de
To justify your pretensions and your gestures of
Lo que no imaginas es que tus acciones no
What you don't imagine is that your actions don't
Compensan tu presencia...
Compensate for your presence...
Ya no queda nada de ti, tu recuerdo se me esfumó,
There is nothing left of you, your memory has vanished,
Me han contado cosas de ti que han herido mi corazón...
I have been told things about you that have hurt my heart...
Ya no queda nada de ti yo fui una mentira na mas
There is nothing left of you, I was just a lie
Pero si te vuelven a herir ven que yo te vuelvo a curar
But if they hurt you again, come back and I'll heal you again
Y ya no queda nada de ti todo el mundo se imagino
And there is nothing left of you, everyone imagined
Que ibas a burlarte de mi pero nadien me lo conto
That you were going to make fun of me but nobody told me
Mis amigos lloran también...
My friends cry too...
Ya no queda nada de ti, yo fui una mentira no más pero
There is nothing left of you, I was just a lie but
Si te vuelven a herir, ven que yo te vuelvo a curar...
If they hurt you again, come back and I'll heal you again...

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