Fabián Corrales - Vete - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fabián Corrales - Vete

Dicen que piensas en el, que no lo has podido olvidar
They say you think of him, that you couldn't forget him
No te comprendo mujer, porque me pudiste engarñar
I don't understand you woman, because you could deceive me
Mil rosas de mi bello jordin yo te daba
A thousand roses from my beautiful garden I gave you
Mil, mil cosas de mi vida te di pero fallaba (bis)
A thousand, a thousand things of my life I gave you but it failed (bis)
Te olvidaré, se que lo voy a lograr
I'll forget you, I know I will
Y luchareeee por conseguirlo
And I will fight to achieve it
Un día juré, que yo si te iva adorar
One day I swore, that I would adore you
Pero ya veeeeees ha llegado el final
But you seeeee the end has come
Vete que no quiero herirte
Leave because I don't want to hurt you
Ya te hable con la verdad
I already told you the truth
Se que vas estar muy triste
I know you're going to be very sad
Porque a llegado el final
Because the end has come
El final de una bonita historia
The end of a beautiful story
La tristeza que pasa mi vida
The sadness that passes my life
Aunque tu no conoces la gloria
Although you don't know the glory
Te pierdes de nada bueno hija
You are missing out on something good, my dear
Pero yo por ti estaré rezando siempre
But I will always be praying for you
Es importante, es importante
It's important, it's important
Alza la frente y hay que ser valiente
Raise your head and you must be brave
Sigue adelante, sigue adelante
Keep going, keep going
Vete que no quiero herirte
Leave because I don't want to hurt you
Ya te hable con la verdad
I already told you the truth
Cuando yo te conocí
When I met you
Creí que en ti iva encontrar
I thought I would find in you
La dicha de ser feliz
The joy of being happy
Y nunca pude imaginar
And I could never imagine
Que injusta tu serias con mis intenciones
How unjust you would be with my intentions
Muy muy tonto pero nunca puse condiciones
Very, very foolish but I never set conditions
Muy tonto pero nunca puse condiciónes
Very foolish but I never set conditions
Me pasara igual que aquel perdedor
The same thing happened to me as to that loser
Que un día llorooooo y otro día sonrió
Who one day cried and the other day smiled
A una mujer que en su camino encontró
To a woman that he found on his path
Y yo tambiéeeeen vencere este dólor
And I will also overcome this pain
Vete que no quiero herite
Leave because I don't want to hurt you
Ya te hable con la verdad
I already told you the truth
Se que vas estar muy triste
I know you're going to be very sad
Porque ha llegado el final
Because the end has come
Vete que no quiero herirte ya te hable con la verdad
Leave because I don't want to hurt you I already told you the truth
Se que vas estar muy triste la lala la la
I know you're going to be very sad la la la la
La lala lala lala la
La la la la la la

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