Facundo Cabral - A Veces Yo Me Pregunto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Facundo Cabral - A Veces Yo Me Pregunto

A Veces Yo Me Pregunto
Sometimes I Ask Myself
Me cago en los tallages de la ropa y sus canones
I shit on clothing sizes and their standards,
Quien coño viste así por dios esto no tiene límites
Who the hell dresses like this, for God's sake, there are no limits!
La gente se preocupa de su peso y la moda
People worry about their weight and fashion,
Tu pijo modernito tu reloj no marca ni la hora
You trendy little prick, your watch doesn't even tell time.
Eh visto que esta mafia animal el maltrato animal
I've seen that this animal mafia, animal abuse,
Es una presa facil de caracter comercial
Is easy prey for commercial purposes.
No me mola no comparto tu criterio de farlopa
I don't like it, I don't share your cocaine criteria,
Moda chorras para peñas desde América hasta Europa
Stupid fads for crowds from America to Europe.
Camino en busca de un sentido pero no lo encuentro
I walk in search of meaning, but I can't find it,
Muñecos anoréxicos, joder esque no entiendo
Anorexic dolls, damn, I just don't understand.
Y entretanto unas niñatas de mamá y papá
And meanwhile, some little girls of mommy and daddy,
Se gastan el dinero y despues insinúan que quieren follar
Spend their money and then insinuate they want to fuck.
Los tios van inflados como el smado
The guys go around inflated like the Hulk,
Tu polla es mas pequeña que el cerebro que no tienen
Your dick is smaller than the brain you don't have.
Si supieran contra hasta tres pero si esque no saben
If they knew, they'd be up against three, but they don't know.
Vivimos en un mundo donde somos respondables
We live in a world where we are responsible,
Pero creemos que lo hacemos bien aunque aveces nos paren
But we think we're doing it right, even though we get stopped sometimes.
Y esta tan simble de decir y se que la gente lo sabe
And it's so simple to say, and I know people know it,
Si tan antisistema crees que eres antes todos
If you think you're so anti-establishment, before everyone else,
Porque no sales a la calle y desmuestran que no estan solos
Why don't you go out and show that you're not alone?
Y esa chica que te mira desde lejos en la calle
And that girl who looks at you from afar on the street,
No merece que te rias de ella solo por ser gorda
Doesn't deserve for you to laugh at her just because she's fat.
Tu compañero de clase llora en casa porque sabe que no encaja no puede mas el mio lo desborda
Your classmate cries at home because he knows he doesn't fit in, he can't take it anymore, mine is overflowing.
Cuanto daño hace la gente, aveces me pregunto si es envano lo que hago al ayudar a las personas
How much damage people do, sometimes I wonder if what I do to help people is in vain.
Haciendo lo posible a cambio de una sonrisa que me inspira un sentimiento similar y me emociona
Doing my best in exchange for a smile that inspires a similar feeling in me and moves me.
Aveces pienso en ti, en la persona que me escucha pues dire que soy feliz y tu piensas igual a escuchar mi música el mejor regalo es esto que lo sientas
Sometimes I think of you, the person who listens to me, because I'll say that I'm happy and you think the same listening to my music, the best gift is that you feel it.
Te cuidara y arropara como a una túnica
It will take care of you and cover you like a tunic.
Cada vez, que pienses en ti, entiende que no estas solo para bien ni para mal ayuda a las personas si no pueden mas y mas
Every time, you think of yourself, understand that you are not alone, for better or for worse, help people if they can't take it anymore.
Cada vez, que pienses en ti piensa que tu historia solo la escribes tu asi que cuando veas que esta oscuro enciende la luz
Every time, you think of yourself, think that only you write your story, so when you see that it's dark, turn on the light.
Cada ves me da pena el humano 2.0 quiere mas con los pulgares que con el corazón
Every time, I feel sorry for the human 2.0, they care more with their thumbs than with their hearts.
Falsedad de mundo virtual en el mundo entero y luego salen a la calle casi por obligación
Falsehood of the virtual world in the whole world, and then they go out almost by obligation.
Solo el tiempo te revela lo importante de la vida y si miras ahi fuera verás que apocos les importas
Only time reveals what's important in life, and if you look out there, you'll see that few people care about you.
Pero dime que mas da si no juegan tu partida solo intentan reducirte a nada y ser ellos los protas
But tell me, what does it matter if they don't play your game, they only try to reduce you to nothing and be the protagonists themselves.
De la peli que se montan para ser mas populares
Of the movie they make up to be more popular.
En las aulas los matones son solo cortos mentales
In the classrooms, the bullies are just mental shorts.
Las personas inseguras son la presa de los fuertes
Insecure people are the prey of the strong,
Que después llegan a casa y como tontos se arrepienten
Who then come home and repent like fools.
Pero que vas a pedir a un pais que su cultura defiende con orgullo torear para matar
But what can you ask of a country that proudly defends its culture of bullfighting to kill,
Mientras hombres y mujeres reinan la telebasura
While men and women reign over trash TV,
Y politicos enriquecidos roban sin parar
And enriched politicians steal non-stop.
Solo queda querer ser mejor que lo que te rodea
All that remains is to want to be better than what surrounds you,
Enfrentarte a lo establecido ir contra marea
To confront the established, to go against the tide.
Ten encuenta que miraras seran clavadas en ti
Keep in mind that looks will be nailed to you,
Y de dos acusadores diran que no es así
And of two accusers, they will say it's not like that.
Pero arraga bien fuerte la mano de quien te quiere y tira pa delante no dejes que te frenen
But hold tight to the hand of the one who loves you and move forward, don't let them stop you.
Escucha pero no soportes malas intenciones cuida bien a quien te
Listen but don't put up with bad intentions, take good care of those who
Cuida y nunca le traiciones
Care for you and never betray them.
Aprende a quererte a ti mismo tal y como eres
Learn to love yourself as you are,
Valora mas tu sueño que cualquiera de tus vienes
Value your sleep more than any of your possessions.
Rodeate de gente que no piense que la vida solo conseguir lo suyo acosta de los que otros tienen
Surround yourself with people who don't think that life is just about getting what they want at the expense of what others have.
La vida te dara lo que tu le des a ella
Life will give you what you give it.
A veces tardará pero no pierdas la fe
Sometimes it will take time, but don't lose faith.
Tu vida solo vale porqué tu estas en ella
Your life is only worth it because you are in it,
No por todo lo que hagas o dejes de aser
Not for everything you do or don't do.
Pero tienen que saber que hay personas en el mundo
But they have to know that there are people in the world
Que no les importaras para mas que ellos quieran
Who won't care about you for more than they want.
No dejes tu destinó en manos de cualquier capullo
Don't leave your destiny in the hands of any asshole,
Porque pocos te daran y haran por ti lo que tu esperas
Because few will give you and do for you what you expect.

Writer(s): Facundo Cabral, Rodolfo Enrique Cabral

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