Fadzli Far East - Lahad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fadzli Far East - Lahad

Sudahkah kita sudah bersedia
My love, are we ready
Untuk hadapi hari kematian
To face the day of our death
Jasad terbujur kaki terlunjur
Our bodies will be stretched out, our feet will be crossed
Dan mata pun terpejam tangan berkias
And our eyes will be closed, our hands will be folded
Tinggallah harta sanak saudara
We will leave behind our possessions, our family, and our friends.
Nama dan pangkat tiada guna
Our names and titles will be of no use
Hanya amalan yang dibawa bersama
Only our deeds will accompany us
Sebagai bekal bertemu yang esa
As provisions for meeting the One
Tubuh yang dingin di berikan mandi
Our cold bodies will be bathed
Air di jirus berulang kali
Water will be poured over us repeatedly
Berkapur barus dan air mawar
Camphor and rose water
Serbuk cendana dan minyak atar
Sandalwood powder and perfume
Kain dan kapas berwarna putih
White cloth and cotton
Itu pakaian yang telah dipilih
These are the garments that have been chosen
Jasad dikafan berlapis lapis
Our bodies will be wrapped in layers of cloth
Diiringi esakan suara tangis
Accompanied by the sobs and cries of our loved ones
Selesai dikafan dan di sembahyang
Once we have been wrapped and prayed over
Berbaris seorang orang tersayang
Our loved ones will line up
Menadah tangan doa dibacakan
They will raise their hands and recite prayers
Lalu di usung ke perkuburan
Then we will be carried to the cemetery
Lahad ternganga menunggu mangsa
The grave awaits its victim
Nikmat terakhir insan di dunia
Our last pleasure in this world
Apakah menjadi taman di syurga
Will it be a garden in paradise
Atau kan rebah ke pintu neraka
Or will we fall into the gates of hell

Writer(s): Fadzli Fareast, Ito Lara

Fadzli Far East - Lahad
date de sortie

1 Lahad

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