Fairport Convention - John Lee - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975 - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction Fairport Convention - John Lee - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975

John Lee, your headache′s growing, the cold wind's blowing
Джон Ли, твоя головная боль усиливается, дует холодный ветер.
But the sea′s without a ripple
Но на море нет ни единой ряби.
John Lee, your forehead's damp, your muscles cramp
Джон ли, у тебя мокрый лоб, мышцы сводит судорогой.
And the sea can't use a cripple
И море не может использовать калеку.
John Lee, you′re turning around your plate again
Джон ли, ты снова вертишь свою тарелку.
Oh, John Lee
О, Джон Ли
John Lee, you′re turning around your plate again
Джон ли, ты снова вертишь свою тарелку.
Oh, John Lee
О, Джон Ли
John Lee's been made a freeman, his heart′s a seaman
Джон Ли стал свободным человеком, его сердце-моряк.
But his flesh won't make a sailor
Но его плоть не сделает из него моряка.
Working in a big hotel, waiting for the bell
Работаю в большом отеле, жду звонка.
That′s ringing for his labour
Это звонит в честь его труда.
John Lee, your chances are good, you better touch wood
Джон ли, у тебя хорошие шансы, лучше дотронься до дерева.
We think things must get better
Мы думаем, что все должно наладиться.
John Lee, you've a friend so true, she wants to help you
Джон ли, у тебя такая верная подруга, она хочет тебе помочь.
Miss Keyes has sent a letter
Мисс кейс прислала письмо.
"Dear John, come and work the Glen, just write me when
"Дорогой Джон, приезжай и работай в долине, просто напиши мне, когда ...
And I′ll send someone to meet you"
И я пошлю кого-нибудь, чтобы встретить тебя.
John's gone to where he started from, he's not worked long, just beginning to belong
Джон вернулся к тому, с чего начал, он недолго работал, только начинал свое место.
"It hasn′t been a very good day, the missus wants to halve my pay
"Это был не очень хороший день, миссис хочет вдвое уменьшить мою зарплату.
Close the door and douse the light, it′s quiet at night when she's tucked in tight
Закрой дверь и погаси свет, ночью тихо, когда она плотно укутана одеялом.
Sometimes I feel, when they′re all in bed, it's almost like the whole world′s dead
Иногда, когда они все в постели, мне кажется, будто весь мир мертв.
So I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee Lord my soul to keep"
Поэтому я ложусь спать, молю Тебя, Господи, сохранить мою душу".
"The customary quiet of Babbacombe, a residential suburb of
"Привычная тишина Баббакомба, жилого пригорода
Torquay, was greatly disturbed early on Saturday morning
Торки был сильно встревожен ранним субботним утром.
D the peaceful inhabitants roused to a state of intense
Г мирные жители пробужденные в состоянии сильного
Alarm and terror by one of the most frightful tragedies
Тревога и ужас от одной из самых страшных трагедий.
That human devilment could plan or human fiend could perpe-
Эта человеческая дьявольщина может спланировать или человеческий дьявол может нарушить ...
Trate. The name of the victim was Miss Emma Anne Whitehead
Имя жертвы-Мисс Эмма Энн Уайтхед.
Keyes, an elder
Кейс, старший.
Ly lady of some sixty-eight years. The name
Дама лет шестидесяти восьми.
Of her home, the scene of her tragedy, was 'The Glen′. She
Ее домом, местом ее трагедии, была "Долина".
Was found early in the morning, lying on her dining room
Ее нашли ранним утром, лежащей на полу в столовой.
Floor. Her throat had been horribly cut and there were three
Ее горло было ужасно перерезано, и их было трое.
Wounds on her head. It
Раны на голове.
Was evident that her murderer had also
Было очевидно, что ее убийца тоже ...
Attempted to burn the corpse."
Пытался сжечь труп.

Writer(s): dave swarbrick

Fairport Convention - Come All Ye - The First Ten Years (1968 To 1978)
Come All Ye - The First Ten Years (1968 To 1978)
date de sortie

1 Reynardine
2 Fotheringay
3 Little Did I Think - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975
4 Down In The Flood - Live On 'The John Peel Radio Show', 1974
5 Dream Song - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975
6 Time Will Show the Wiser
7 Flowers Of The Forest - Live On 'In Concert' STV, 1977
8 White Dress - Live On 'The London Weekend Show', 1975
9 Sloth - Live At Sydney Opera House, 1974
10 John Lee - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975
11 Si tu dois partir - Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1969
12 Journeyman's Grace - Live On 'Pop Deux', 1970
13 Polly On The Shore - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
14 Walk Awhile - Live On 'Pop Deux', 1970
15 John The Gun - Live On 'The John Peel Radio Show', 1974
16 Rising For The Moon - Live On 'The John Peel Radio Show', 1974
17 Percy's Song - Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1969
18 You Never Wanted Me - Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1968
19 Sir Patrick Spens (Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1969)
20 Tam Lin (Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1969)
21 Doctor of Physick - Live At The L.A. Troubadour, 1970
22 I Don't Know Where I Stand - Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1968
23 Sloth - Live On 'Pop Deux', 1970
24 Suzanne - Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1968
25 I'll Keep It With Mine
26 Bring 'Em Down
27 Jack O' Diamonds
28 Autopsy - Alternate Take
29 Restless
30 Decameron
31 Meet On the Ledge
32 The Ballad of Easy Rider
33 Quiet Joys of Brotherhood (Take 1)
34 Matty Groves - Take 1
35 Come All Ye - Take 1
36 Breakfast In Mayfair
37 The Plainsman
38 Throwaway Street Puzzle
39 Stranger To Himself
40 Polly On the Shore
41 Lord Marlborough
42 Reynard the Fox
43 One Sure Thing
44 Poor Will And The Jolly Hangman
45 Dear Landlord
46 Genesis Hall
47 Farewell, Farewell
48 Banks of the Sweet Primroses
49 Bonny Bunch Of Roses
50 Furs and Feathers - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
51 Possibly Parsons Green - Australian 7" Version
52 Fiddlestix (The Devil In the Kitchen) (Without Orchestra)
53 Brilliancy Medley / Cherokee Shuffle - Live On 'The Old Grey Whistle Test', 1973
54 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John - Live On 'The Old Grey Whistle Test', 1973
55 Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roller - Live At The L.A. Troubadour, 1970
56 After Halloween - Byfield Home Demo
57 Days of 49 - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
58 Brilliancy Medley / Cherokee Shuffle - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
59 Far From Me - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
60 The Claw - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
61 Cell Song - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
62 Tokyo - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
63 Poor Ditching Boy - Live On 'In Concert' STV, 1977
64 Adieu, adieu - Live On 'A World Of Music With Anne Lorne Gillies', 1976
65 Royal Seleccion No. 13 - Live On 'A World Of Music With Anne Lorne Gillies', 1976
66 Sandy's Song (A.K.A. Take Away the Load)
67 When First Into This Country
68 All Along The Watchtower - Live At Chateau Neuf, 1975
69 One More Chance - Alternate Version
70 Dawn - Alternate Version
71 Eastern Rain - Sandy Solo Vocal Version
72 Farewell To a Poor Man's Son (Live On "The Man They Could Not Hang", 1975)
73 Time Is Near - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975
74 Who Knows Where The Time Goes? - Alternate Take
75 A Sailors Life - Version Without Swarb
76 Reno Nevada - Live On 'David Symonds' Radio Show', 1969
77 Nottamun Town - A Cappella
78 Mr. Lacey - Sandy Solo Vocal Version
79 The Deserter - Rehearsal Version
80 Cell Song - Live On 'The Man They Could Not Hang', 1975
81 The Bonny Black Hare - Alternate Take
82 Flatback Caper - Live At The L.A. Troubadour, 1970
83 Fiddlestix (The Devil In The Kitchen) - Live At Fairfield Halls, 1973
84 Sir B. McKenzie - Live On 'Pop Deux', 1970
85 Dirty Linen - Live On 'Pop Deux', 1970
86 The Lark In the Morning Medley (Live On 'John Peel's Top Gear', 1969)
87 Think It Over
88 Matthew, Mark, Luke & John - Manor Studio Version

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