Fairuz - Bedna n' Kammel - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fairuz - Bedna n' Kammel

Bedna n' Kammel
Bedna n' Kammel
هدتكن الإشاعات
The rumors had scared you
فاجئتنا يا غربة
Alienation, you surprised us
لما ودعتو اليأس و لفحتكن ريح الشمس رجعت إليكن تبني و تعمر
When you bid farewell to despair and the wind of the sun caressed you, you came back to us to build and flourish
صوت أعيادكن خزق سمعهن فرح معاولكن بالأرض بشرهن بهدم براجن
The sound of your feasts pierced their ears, the joy of your pickaxes on the ground was their harbinger, demolishing their fortresses
حبوا يردوكن عاليأس
They wanted to push you back into despair
عم يقولوا بدن يعتقلوا ناس كتير
They were saying, they're going to arrest many people
لا تخافوا ما في حبوسه تسع كل الناس
Do not fear, there aren't enough prisons to hold everyone
يعتقلوا كتير بيبقى كتير بللي بيبقوا رح منكمل
If they arrest many, there will be many left; we'll carry on
غمر الطوفان الأرض و رجعوها اللي بقيو
The flood covered the earth and those who remained built it back
هدمت الحروب المدن و عمروها اللي بقيو
Wars destroyed cities and those who remained built them back
استعبدوا الظلام الناس حرروهن اللي بيقو
The darkness enslaved the people; those who remained set them free
بدنا نكمل المشوار و قلال يكون منكمل بللي بقيو
We want to continue the journey, and few may complete what those who remain started
بدنا نكمل بللي بقيو قلال قلال يكون شو هم منكمل بللي بقيو
We want to continue what those who remain started, few, few may be those who continue what those who remain started
كتار قلال منكمل بللي بقيو
Many, few, we will complete what those who remain started
يا هالناس يا أهلي أنا و بالأرض الغريبي
Oh you people, my family, I am a stranger in this land
همومكن كانت توصلي بكي ولادكن بالليل كان يصرخلي
Your worries would reach me; your children would cry to me at night
أنا و بالأرض الغريبي حزنكن ربي معي
I am a stranger in this land, your sorrow was my companion
حزنكن حرسني حفظني كبرني و حزنكن رجعني
Your sorrow guarded me, protected me, raised me, and your sorrow brought me back
لوحلي من الغيم حاكاني من الصيف
From the clouds my sadness would visit me, from the summer
ندهني من تموز من ذل الإنتظار بالمدن الغريبي
All summer long I would cry from waiting in this foreign city
و كانت أصواتكن تندهلي
And your voices would always call me

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