Falsalarma - La Experiencia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Falsalarma - La Experiencia

La Experiencia
The Experience
El Santo
El Santo
(Yooo) dulce amor amargo,
(Yo) sweet bitter love,
Es lo que cargo,
It's what I carry,
En este cargo,
In this burden,
Asi que la largo,
So I release it,
Si me ves trincar un dardo,
If you see me grab a dart,
Pa' lanzarlo ponte a salvo,
To throw it, get to safety,
Quebranto la norma y hoy me desmarco,
I break the norm and today I step aside,
Pasando por alto,
Demuestro lo valgo,
I show what I'm worth,
Ya transcurrido este largo letargo,
After this long lethargy has passed,
Resurgo intacto, y rapto un estilo exacto,
I resurface intact, and snatch an exact style,
Ya mostré mi pacto, y causo impacto,
I already showed my pact, and I cause impact,
Cuestion de tacto,
A matter of tact,
Se que no fui apto,
I know I wasn't fit,
Para desmantelar desfalco,
To dismantle embezzlement,
Pero estais escuxando en el pacto,
But you're listening to the pact,
De lo cual me jacto,
Of which I boast,
En este acto me guia el olfato,
In this act I am guided by my sense of smell,
Tras mostrar sonrisar y alegrias, lagrimas y llantos,
After showing smiles and joys, tears and cries,
Sentimientos ya son tantos,
Feelings are already so many,
Que incluso a veces dudo y no me planto,
That even sometimes I doubt and I don't stand my ground,
Y se que con el paso de los años,
And I know that with the passing of the years,
Sigo siendo el mismo Santo,
I'm still the same Saint,
Y empezé temblando,
And I started trembling,
En un casal de Sardañolas.
In a Sardañolas house.
Me dio negativo el metodo
The method gave me a negative
Petalo de amapola,
Poppy petal,
Continua mi ilusion en mi posicion de la cola,
My illusion continues in my position at the back of the line,
Ya me tope con el primer elepé,
I already ran into the first LP,
Y me elevé a la cresta de esta ola,
And I rose to the crest of this wave,
Y se que todo mola,
And I know everything is cool,
Cnd se divisa desde fuera,
When it's seen from the outside,
Cnt trote hasta desgaste estas suelas,
With how much I trot until I wear out these soles,
Sin espuelas cree escuela,
Without spurs, he creates a school,
Y si aun no vuelas,
And if you still don't fly,
Mejor practica, entrena y espera ahi fuera,
Better practice, train and wait out there,
(Dime) q se consigue de cualquier manera?,
(Tell me) what is achieved in any way?,
Sin golpes no se aprende,
Without blows you don't learn,
Asi q no se q es lo q esperas,
So I don't know what you're waiting for,
Veras ten fe en los q son, y eran,
You see, have faith in those who are, and were,
Toleran, veneran, a los que esperan ahi fuera,
They tolerate, venerate, those who wait out there,
Para conquistar la esfera,
To conquer the sphere,
El rap y su escena,
Rap and its scene,
En cualquier caso vale la pena,
In any case it's worth it,
Aunque a veces aseguro q quema el emblema,
Although sometimes I assure you that the emblem burns,
Mantengo mi lema,
I keep my motto,
En este tema,
In this topic,
No temas, si pierdes mas cobertura q amena,
Fear not, if you lose more coverage than amena,
Venga levanta tu antena,
Come on, raise your antenna,
No habra problema,
There will be no problem,
Siempre que pongas empeño,
As long as you put in the effort,
Frunzo el ceño,
I frown,
Y si quiero te enseño,
And if I want to, I'll show you,
A caminar por estos rios inundados en lava,
To walk through these rivers flooded with lava,
Esta perdida bala,
This lost bullet,
Malabares de rima clavabas,
You nailed rhyme juggling,
Me alaban,
They praise me,
Susperacion es hacerlo perfecto,
Overcoming is doing it perfectly,
Mantenerse recto,
Stay straight,
Frente al micro en pieza clave o en directo,
In front of the microphone in a key piece or live,
Yo solo se que se hacer esto,
I only know how to do this,
Y es clavar el texto,
And it's to nail the text,
Contra anorexicos, tisicos lexicos sin exitos
Against anorexics, consumptive lexicons without success
Son ... años de experiencia, fallo tras fallo,
They are ... years of experience, failure after failure,
Cuento con esto, aprende de los fallos,
I count on this, learn from mistakes,
Son ... años de experiencia, fallo tras fallo,
They are ... years of experience, failure after failure,
Cuento con esto, aprende de los fallos,
I count on this, learn from mistakes,
Quizas seamos iguales,
Perhaps we are the same,
No obstante a base de croches,
However, based on eighth notes,
La experiencia nos acoje,
Experience welcomes us,
En el portal de un bloque,
In the portal of a block,
En Termes, Sabadell,
In Termes, Sabadell,
Aqui tira mas la coca que el polen,
Here coke pulls more than pollen,
El pop en el barrio, esta pobre,
Pop in the neighborhood, it's poor,
Falsalarma como soporte hace de dolmen,
False alarm as support acts as a dolmen,
Si hay hambre come,
If there is hunger, eat,
A cualquier rival con nombre,
To any rival with a name,
Seremos el golden a golpe,
We will be the golden at a blow,
Solo es (rap como deporte),
It's just (rap as a sport),
Todo un logro,
Quite an achievement,
Estar aqui al loro,
Being here on the lookout,
Con dos disco solo,
With two albums alone,
Pasandolo bien con vosotros,
Having a good time with you,
Gracias por vuestro apoyo en cada bolo,
Thank you for your support at each gig,
Absorto quede hasta que la esencia me escogio,
I was absorbed until the essence chose me,
Y lo vi todo de distinto color,
And I saw everything in a different color,
Desde mis dos ojos verdes,
From my two green eyes,
Me enteré y en tren entrené,
I found out and trained on the train,
Con mi hermananos a drede,
With my brothers in fear,
Supe de q pie cojeaba,
I knew which foot he was limping on,
Cada eme ce y le regale un patinete,
Each eme ce and I gave him a scooter,
Competicion a esto somete,
Competition submits to this,
De lo contrario vete,
Otherwise go away,
Iremos a la estacion a verte,
We will go to the station to see you,
Con cohetes,
With rockets,
Es normal que se nos diferencie,
It is normal for us to be differentiated,
Marcamos epoca,
We mark an era,
Y esto dara coba xa otra mas,
And this will give coba for another one,
Como arnold schwarzenegger con conan,
Like arnold schwarzenegger with conan,
Llego nuestro turno ya,
Our turn has come,
Tu rap crea bulla,
Your rap creates noise,
Mi rap se estudia en cualquier lugar de la peninsula,
My rap is studied anywhere in the peninsula,
Nos congratulan,
They congratulate us,
Vienen a vernos hasta en funicular o en buga,
They come to see us even on a funicular or in a buga,
Mide tu globulo ocular,
Measure your eyeball,
Si en concierto no nos as visto nunca,
If you've never seen us in concert,
Apunta o te saldran canas,
Write it down or you'll get gray hair,
Mi sueño es vivir del rap,
My dream is to live off rap,
Viajar, poder tocar algun dia en Punta Cana,
Travel, to be able to play someday in Punta Cana,
Como no mis papas desean q sus hijos triunfen como grupo,
Of course my parents want their children to succeed as a group,
Por un año o dos,
For a year or two,
Temporalmente como los Europe,
Temporarily like the Europeans,
En su mundo babean como bulldogs,
In their world they drool like bulldogs,
A ver a sus dos hijos juntos entre aplausos,
To see their two children together amidst applause,
Y no como unos vagabundos,
And not like some vagabonds,
Consiguiendo metas juntos con orgullo y sudor,
Achieving goals together with pride and sweat,
Dejare claro quienes son,
I will make it clear who they are,
Neas, dycache, santo y titó
Neas, dycache, santo and titó

Writer(s): David Navarro Romero, Raul Ruiz Labrador, Angel Navarro Romero, Juan Carlos Caro Garcia

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