Falsalarma - Nada cambia (remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Falsalarma - Nada cambia (remix)

Nada cambia (remix)
Nothing Changes (remix)
[El Santo]
[El Santo]
Estás perdido dando vueltas cual veleta...
You're lost, spinning like a weather vane...
Y al tirar de Beta, no disfrazarás jamás tu rap con etiqueta...
Pulling on Beta, you'll never disguise your rap with a label...
Santo inyecta, a la peña que va de lista detecta,
Santo injects, the people who act smart, he detects,
Porque su trayectoria como grupo siempre se tuerce y no va recta...
Because their trajectory as a group always twists and doesn't go straight...
Es ese virus que a la gran mayoria infecta...
It's that virus that infects the vast majority...
Detesta a los que tachan hasta con unidad de secta,
He detests those who label even with a unit of sect,
Y sin ser profeta en mi tierra ya tengo claras mis metas,
And without being a prophet in my land, I already have my goals clear,
Solo es dejar un tiempo a la paleta, y reta el directo que peta...
It's just leaving the palette for a while, and challenge the live show that bursts...
2004 sin cambios,
2004 without changes,
Estadísticas identicas son espasmos para sabios crea desanimos...
Identical statistics are spasms for wise men, create discouragement...
Dimos el primer paso y empezasteis a andar,
We took the first step and you started walking,
Otros gateaban cansinos entre la muchedumbre y sus aplausos,
Others crawled tiredly among the crowd and their applause,
Adultos en párbulo, cultos narcos que aparto yo,
Adults in kindergarten, cultured narcos that I set aside,
Coz tras coz con mi voz en audio, el patio amplío...
Verse after verse with my voice in audio, I expand the patio...
Con un salario agrio, falsalarma partió
With a sour salary, Falsalarma departed
Escenarios y ritmos varios, lo vio to dios...
Stages and various rhythms, everyone saw it...
Cardíacos! y sin ir de listos,
Cardiacs! and without being smart,
La misiva ha conseguío vender 7000 discos y pico invictos solitos...
The letter has managed to sell 7000 records and some undefeated alone...
Con un trabajo distinto a lo establecido,
With a different work than the established,
Y no idéntico a lo ya escrito, os vigilo...
And not identical to what has already been written, I watch you...
Grupos suenan bien,
Groups sound good,
Pero quien tiene su propio estilo fiel a sus principios,
But who has their own style true to their principles,
Para que no les encasillen con alguien, envidien!...
So that they are not pigeonholed with someone, envy!...
Pocos hay que se diferencien al 100%,
There are few that differ 100%,
Pocos lo consiguen, otros finguen, son idem,
Few achieve it, others pretend, they are the same,
Busca tu carisma...
Find your charisma...
Antes de criticar a un artista investiga
Before criticizing an artist, investigate
Quien envidia y quien es la victima,
Who envies and who is the victim,
Asi sin mas ideas de momia...
Just like that, without mummy ideas...
Da igual tu talismán, tu pocima, ten fobia, te odian discordia,
It doesn't matter your talisman, your potion, have phobia, they hate you discord,
Emigra a escocia...
Emigrate to Scotland...
Asocia lineas increibles de mc's que aun viven,
Associate incredible lines of MCs who still live,
Aunque ya no editen singles,
Although they no longer edit singles,
De los que fuimos todos aprendices, inclusive nosotros,
From whom we were all apprentices, including us,
Con otros fines cortos para los que olviden pronto los matices...
With other short purposes for those who soon forget the nuances...
Nada cambia,
Nothing changes,
Si no teneis de la raiz la sabia,
If you don't have the wisdom of the root,
En babia quedaréis, sufriréis malaria,
You will be left in babia, you will suffer malaria,
Aqui no salvarán trucos de magia,
Magic tricks will not save you here,
Vuestra desgracia en el fondo nos sacia (x2)
Your misfortune deep down satisfies us (x2)
[El Santo]
[El Santo]
Te veo lento... lento... lento...
I see you slow... slow... slow...
Te veo lento despues de no se cuantos intentos...
I see you slow after I don't know how many attempts...
Se que sabes que no vales aunque lo llevas por dentro...
I know you know you're not worth it even though you carry it inside...
Donde esta tu tecnica, tu metrica, tu tactica fantastica,
Where is your technique, your metric, your fantastic tactic,
La gente con tu rap se queda estática...
People with your rap remain static...
La fama es esporadica,
Fame is sporadic,
Solo los fanaticos sin personalidad daran tu partida por válida,
Only fanatics without personality will consider your game valid,
En esta calidad, realidad, anaridad, que vivo,
In this quality, reality, anarchy, that I live,
Busco la cantidad y calidad en lo que escribo...
I look for quantity and quality in what I write...
Vine a apostarmelo todo en este casino,
I came to bet it all in this casino,
Y se que deprimo cuando os planto en vuestra cara este pepino,
And I know I depress when I plant this cucumber in your face,
Este pavo se arremanga y avanza,
This turkey rolls up his sleeves and advances,
Mientras la peña se apalanca
While the crowd sits back
Andaban a trancas y a barrancas, y se estancan!
They walked in fits and starts, and they get stuck!
Dime cuántos apostaron por nosotros un duro,
Tell me how many bet a penny on us,
Y hoy se rifan a este grupo y en su rap en un futuro,
And today they raffle this group and its rap in the future,
Nuevos metodos modulo,
New module methods,
Mientras os centrais en cualquier bulo, lo calculo,
While you focus on any rumor, I calculate it,
Por eso eterna juventud lo titulo...
That's why I call it eternal youth...
En el micrófono mas fluidez gesticulo...
In the microphone I gesticulate more fluidity...
En la tarima rigidez para evitar a la vez el caer de culo...
Stiffness on the stage to avoid falling on my ass...
Salgo afuera a dar un rulo, y al ver que nada cambia,
I go outside to give a roll, and seeing that nothing changes,
En una decada dedicada en esta meca me da por culo...
In a decade dedicated to this mecca, it pisses me off...
Lo juro trazo un nuevo plan y lo estructuro,
I swear I draw a new plan and structure it,
Me siento mas duro, mas maduro, mas seguro, os lo aseguro...
I feel harder, more mature, more secure, I assure you...
Quizás está por venir, un porvenir oscuro,
Perhaps a dark future is yet to come,
Demasiado tiempo en esto y nada cambia...
Too much time in this and nothing changes...
Os lo aseguro.
I assure you.
Nada cambia,
Nothing changes,
Si no teneis de la raiz la sabia,
If you don't have the wisdom of the root,
En babia quedaréis, sufriréis malaria,
You will be left in babia, you will suffer malaria,
Aqui no salvarán trucos de magia,
Magic tricks will not save you here,
Vuestra desgracia en el fondo nos sacia (x2)
Your misfortune deep down satisfies us (x2)

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