Fana - 내가 만일 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fana - 내가 만일

내가 만일
If I Were
꿈처럼 철없던 날의 근처로 떠나.
Like a dream, I drift back to the vicinity of those naive days.
다시 찾을 없는데,
Though I can't find them again,
붙잡을 없는데,
Though I can't hold onto them,
닿을 수도 없는데,
Though I can't reach them,
오늘이 바로 내가 태어난 번째 날.
Today is the ten-thousandth day since I was born.
떠나보낸 삶의 자릿수가 다섯 날.
The day the digits of my departed life reached five.
거울 속엔 익숙하리만치 낯선 내가 서있고,
In the mirror stands a me both familiar and strange,
거의 모든 것은 그대로 있고, 유달리 변한 없는데,
Almost everything remains the same, nothing particularly changed,
어느 순간 잊고 남겨놓은 때, 시절,
Yet at some point, I forgot and left behind that time, those days,
자췰 돌아보면 나도 많이 자라고 바뀌었나
Looking back at those moments, have I grown and changed that much?
봐, 지나고나니...
See, in retrospect...
바로 한치 앞도 알지 못하고 바삐 달려왔지.
I rushed forward without knowing even an inch ahead.
맑던 날씨라도 잠시 안도하니 날벼락이,
Even on clear days, a moment of relief brought a sudden storm,
뭐든 갖고 나니 만족 아닌 탐욕만이...
Having everything only led to greater greed...
사노라니 과연 삶이란 마치 파도타기.
Living, it turns out, life is like riding waves.
해가 바뀔 때마다 일어 거센 바람이.
With each changing year, stronger winds arise.
때가 이제야 감히 말할 있는 세상살이.
Now, weathered, I can finally speak of life's trials.
서른, 한때 말이 어색한 나이.
Soon to be thirty, an age where the phrase "once upon a time" feels awkward.
생각하니 조금은 대단하지, 벌써 내가 10, 000日...
Thinking about it, it's a bit remarkable, already 10,000 days for me...
모두 변해가.
Everything changes.
물건에 달라붙은 손때가,
The wear on my belongings,
기억 내가 자라왔던 동네가,
The neighborhood where I grew up in my memory,
갈수록 매달 것이 느는 어깨가...
My shoulders, burdened with more and more as time goes on...
평생 함께라던 벗, 가족.
Friends who promised forever, my family.
뜨겁게 사랑했던 언젠가...
When did we love so fiercely...
세월의 강에서 번째 날,
On the ten-thousandth day in the river of time,
불러, 삶을 그린 노랫말.
Sing, the lyrics that paint my life.
위기를 맞던 순간,
Every moment in this life that faced crisis each year,
황폐한 길에 많던 좌절의 맛.
The bitter taste of countless frustrations on this desolate path.
헤아리기를 그만둔 상처의 숫자.
The number of wounds I stopped counting.
강해진 건지, 아니면 내가 무뎌진 건지 모르겠지만
I don't know if I've become stronger, or if I've just become numb,
아무튼 모든 지난 아픔들.
But in any case, all those past pains.
아무렇지도 않을 만치 아물었지 까만 흉들.
The black scars have healed to the point of indifference.
지우려고 발악한 치부도 이제 삶의 일부분임
The flaws I once desperately tried to erase, I now realize are a part of me.
I understand.
실수도 많았고, 모자랐고,
I made many mistakes, I was lacking,
또한 맡고 떠안았던 차고 도망갔던 못난 밥통.
And a fool who ran away after taking on everything I was entrusted with.
막아선 커다란 고작 낙서가 발악의 전부.
Facing a massive wall, mere scribbles were the extent of my resistance.
밟고 올라가서 곧장 떠난 사람의 얼굴.
The faces of those who climbed over it all and immediately left me.
그래 내가 만일 죄다 가질 없다 해도 괜찮아.
Yes, even if I can't have it all, it's okay.
실패와 상실, 죄와 탄식도 발자취.
Failures and losses, sins and sighs, are my footprints.
견뎌내야 일.
Things I must endure.
벌써 내가 10, 000日...
Already, 10,000 days for me...
모두 변해가.
Everything changes.
물건에 달라붙은 손때가,
The wear on my belongings,
기억 내가 자라왔던 동네가,
The neighborhood where I grew up in my memory,
갈수록 매달 것이 느는 어깨가.
My shoulders, burdened with more and more as time goes on...
평생 함께라던 벗, 가족.
Friends who promised forever, my family.
뜨겁게 사랑했던 언젠가...
When did we love so fiercely...
세월의 강에서 번째 날,
On the ten-thousandth day in the river of time,
불러, 삶을 그린 노랫말.
Sing, the lyrics that paint my life.
반쪽 같아 익숙하던 막역한 사이들도 사소한 차이로
Even close friends who felt like halves of the same whole, due to slight differences,
완전한 타인.
Soon become complete strangers.
때론 완전한 타인들이다가도 가까이.
Sometimes complete strangers come close.
묘한 같아. 인연의 장난과 섭리.
It's strange, the play and providence of fate.
만남과 정리, 칼날 같던 이기와 잘난 자존심들이 잘라
Meetings and endings, sharp-edged selfishness and arrogant pride severing
사랑과 벗이 새삼 까닭 없이 그리운 건지.
Old loves and friends, for some reason, I miss them dearly.
기억에 드리운 먼지...
Dust settling on memories...
어느덧 흰머리와 주름 덮이신 부모님,
My parents, now covered in white hair and wrinkles,
아버지 엄니에게 그저 비싼 퉁명이.
To my father and mother, I'm just an expensive grump.
정신 차리고 보면 걸음씩 늦었지.
Whenever I come to my senses, I'm always a step late.
어딜 둘러치건 다른 구멍이 뚫렸지.
No matter where I patch things up, another hole appears.
죄가 많지.
I'm full of sins.
되바라진 내가 안지 못했던 짓누르고서야
My insolent self only realized after being crushed by everything I failed to carry.
I finally understood.
못내 사라진 사람이 조금 그리워지는 오늘.
Today, I miss the old people who have long disappeared.
벌써 내가 10, 000日...
Already, 10,000 days for me...
시간의 돛단배를 타고 꽤나 머나먼 항해를 떠나네.
On a sailboat of time, I embark on a rather distant journey.
찾을 없는데,
Though I can't find them,
붙잡을 수도 없는데,
Though I can't hold onto them,
시간의 돛단배를 타고 꽤나 머나먼 항해를 떠나네.
On a sailboat of time, I embark on a rather distant journey.
닿을 수도 없는데,
Though I can't reach them,
흘러가네, 흘러가네...
Flowing away, flowing away...
오늘이 바로 내가 태어난 번째 날.
Today is the ten-thousandth day since I was born.
떠나보낸 삶의 자릿수가 다섯 날.
The day the digits of my departed life reached five.
거울 속엔 익숙하리만치 낯선 내가 작별의 너머
In the mirror, a me both familiar and strange will live beyond the river of farewell.
건네 와.
달라진 것은 빨라진 걸음,
What has changed is my quickened pace,
황망히 버둥거리는 딱한 뒷모습,
A pitiful figure desperately struggling,
낡아빠진 추억들,
Worn-out memories,
가랑비 젖듯 나날이 저물어가는 잔가지 젊음.
Like a light rain, my youth fades away day by day.
그래 서른 즈음에, 인생의 여름 즈음에.
Yes, around thirty, around life's summer.
비록 어른스레 행동해도 조금 애.
Even if I act mature, I'm just a slightly bigger child.
서글픈 걸음은 계속 머무는데,
My sorrowful steps continue to linger,
청춘은 새로운 계절을 끝내 서두르네.
But youth rushes towards a new season.
거듭 크게 울고, 때론 쓰게 웃고, 가슴에 묻고, 항상
Crying loudly, sometimes laughing bitterly, burying things in my heart, always regretting late...
생의 무겔 들고 모든 값지었음을 이젠 말하리.
Holding the reins of life, I now declare that everything was precious.
감히 벌써 내가 10, 000日...
Already, 10,000 days for me...
모두 변해가.
Everything changes.
물건에 달라붙은 손때가,
The wear on my belongings,
기억 내가 자라왔던 동네가,
The neighborhood where I grew up in my memory,
갈수록 매달 것이 느는 어깨가.
My shoulders, burdened with more and more as time goes on...
평생 함께라던 벗, 가족.
Friends who promised forever, my family.
뜨겁게 사랑했던 언젠가...
When did we love so fiercely...
세월의 강에서 번째 날...
On the ten-thousandth day in the river of time...

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