Faqundo Gonzalez - Hoy, Tengo Que - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Faqundo Gonzalez - Hoy, Tengo Que

Hoy, Tengo Que
Today, I Have To
Asa ni
In the morning
Tomorai no
Yuki ga furu
The snow will fall
Quiero escribirle a eso que nadie escribe
I want to write to that which no one writes to
Pasar mi vida justo ahi, donde nadie vive
To spend my life right there, where no one lives
Dar cuanto tengo, sin importar quien me reciba
To give all that I have, no matter who receives me
Hacer lo que deseo, sin complacer a quien me exija
To do what I desire, without pleasing those who demand it of me
Andar y caminar (si) sin desesperar
To walk and to go (yes) without despairing
Respirar y observar (si) sin mediocridad
To breathe and to observe (yes) without mediocrity
Volver a ser ingenuo como cuándo niño
To return to being naive like when I was a child
Abrazar a mi familia, reencontrar a mis amigos
To embrace my family, to meet my friends again
Aquellos que se fueron y jamás volvieron
Those who left and never returned
Esas novias que me hipnotizaron y desaparecieron
Those girlfriends who hypnotized me and disappeared
Agradecer al viejo sabio, de mi pueblo, que sepa
To thank the old wise man, of my village, who knows
Sus consejos del ayer aun habitan mi cabeza
His advice from yesterday still inhabits my head
Sin mas, deseo olvidar cuanto e soñado
Without further ado, I wish to forget how much I have dreamed
Enmendar mis malas desiciones, aun haya acertado
To make amends for my bad decisions, even if I have succeeded
He de enderezar, hablar lo justo o callar (si)
I must straighten up, speak what is right or be silent (yes)
Siempre y cuando no sea justo aquello que he de hablar
As long as what I have to say is not just
No herir a nadie, pero que nadie me hiera a mi
Not to hurt anyone, but let no one hurt me either
Que mentira de aqui marche y verdad aqui quiera existir
May the lie leave here and the truth come to exist here
Si pudiera diera color y alegria a esos dias
If I could, I would give color and joy to those days
Que vienen y van, van y vienen con melancolía
That come and go, go and come with melancholy
Maldita sea nostalgia de aquello cuanto ignoro
Damned nostalgia for that which I ignore
Maldita idiosincracia en mi tonto asombro
Damned idiosyncrasy in my foolish astonishment
Cuando veo y no observo, cuando oigo y no escucho
When I see and do not observe, when I hear and do not listen
Siendo hijo de la nada y todo, poco parece mucho
Being a son of nothing and everything, little seems like a lot
Asa ni
In the morning
Tomorai no
Yuki ga furu
The snow will fall
Hoy, tengo que...
Today, I have to...
Redoblar mi pensar sin renunciar a existir
Redouble my thinking without giving up on existing
Admitir sin reincidir, discrepar sin dimitir
To admit without reoffending, to disagree without resigning
Convencer a mi yo que no abandone la contienda
To convince my self not to abandon the fight
Hasta que aprenda a prestar atencion atravez de la venda
Until I learn to pay attention through the blindfold
Y encienda controlando bien las riendas a sabiendas
And to light up, controlling the reins wisely, knowing
Que puede tocar fondo cuando ascienda y entienda
That I can hit rock bottom when I ascend and understand
Solo se llega a buen puerto navegando con paciencia
We only reach a safe haven by navigating with patience
Que incoveniencias estas, son primas de insolencia
What inconveniences these are, they are cousins of insolence
No hay sustancia sin esencia, ni firmeza sin nobleza
There is no substance without essence, nor firmness without nobility
Que un hombre sin alma es una selva sin maleza
That a man without a soul is a jungle without undergrowth
Muchos vienen, estan y se van sin fortaleza
Many come, are and go without strength
Arbol que nace doblao jamas su tronco endereza-ra
A tree that is born bent never straightens its trunk
Que va, no ta de na... Hay que tratar mucho mas alla
What's going on, it's nothing... We have to try much more
Sin desmayar, donde menos creemos
Without fainting, where we least believe it
Algo puede cautivar-nos
Something can captivate us
Pa' eso a ello debemos prestarnos
For that we must lend ourselves to it
Somos los unicos que disfrutamos dañandonos
We are the only ones who enjoy harming ourselves
Que ganamos lamentandonos, es hora de partir
What do we gain by regretting, it is time to leave
Reubicar espacio tiempo a vencer o morir
To relocate time and space to overcome or die
Combatir hasta que respirar no pueda mas
To fight until I can't breathe anymore
Hasta que eternidad venga a por mi, Yo quiero
Until eternity comes for me, I want
Ser yo mismo, obligando mi ego a seder el paso
To be myself, forcing my ego to give way
No se si podre de frente mirar a fracaso
I don't know if I can face failure head-on
Mientras noche y dia se entretejen cual ocaso
As night and day intertwine like sunset
Espero triunfo sea dulce o morire en el intento, felizmente
I hope triumph is sweet or I will die trying, happily
Asa ni
In the morning
Tomorai no
Yuki ga furu
The snow will fall

Writer(s): Kazuo Koike

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