Farid Bang - SUPERHERO, Pt. II - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Farid Bang - SUPERHERO, Pt. II

I will leave nothing to heroes
I will leave nothing to heroes
Don't believe in the crown
Don't believe in the crown
Too many fakers that we know
Too many fakers that we know
Don't leave your gold on the ground
Don't leave your gold on the ground
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground; yeah)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground; yeah)
Du würdest gerne mit ihm sein (ja), obwohl er nicht dein Mann sein kann (nein)
You'd love to be with him (yeah), even though he can't be your man (no)
Wenn er nicht neben dir liegt, ja, dann liegt da gar keiner
If he's not lying next to you, yeah, then no one is
Tagsüber wenig Zeit, denn es geht die Nacht weiter
Little time during the day, 'cause the night goes on
Er zeigt niemals, wen er liebt, denn das macht ihn angreifbar (uh)
He never shows who he loves, 'cause that makes him vulnerable (uh)
Von ihm kommt manchmal zu wenig, du weißt genau, wovon du redest
Sometimes he doesn't give enough, you know exactly what you're talking about
Alle Frauen wollen Batman, doch keine, die nur Bruce Wayne will
All women want Batman, but none of them want Bruce Wayne
Vielleicht hält der Mut ewig, vielleicht merkt er, du fehlst ihm
Maybe the courage lasts forever, maybe he'll realize he's missing you
Ein Superhero kommt immer kurz, bevor's zu spät ist (ah)
A superhero always arrives just before it's too late (ah)
Freund oder Feind, du weißt leider nicht, wer dich wann angreift (nein)
Friend or foe, you unfortunately don't know who will attack you when (no)
Er muss immer stark sein, denn draußen vertraut er gar kein'n (nein)
He always has to be strong, because outside he doesn't trust anyone (no)
Und immer, wenn du denkst, er bleibt bei dir, lässt er dich allein (yeah)
And whenever you think he'll stay with you, he leaves you alone (yeah)
Um Mitternacht auf der A3 schnell unterwegs wie der Dark Knight
At midnight on the A3, speeding like the Dark Knight
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground; yeah)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground; yeah)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown; yeah)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown; yeah)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground)
Einzelgänger seit Tag eins, du siehst ihn nie mit den Boys in Clubs (nie)
Lone wolf since day one, you never see him with the boys in clubs (never)
Niemals im Zeugenschutz, weil er auf der Straße feuern muss (ah)
Never in witness protection, 'cause he has to shoot on the streets (ah)
Auf der Suche nach dem One Piece fand er dich und kein'n teuren Schmuck
Looking for the One Piece, he found you and not expensive jewelry
Von einer Schlange verführt und er biss in die Teufelsfrucht (ah)
Seduced by a snake and he bit into the Devil Fruit (ah)
Sag, wie sehr vermisst du ihn? Kennst du eigentlich seine History? (Heh)
Tell me, how much do you miss him? Do you even know his history? (Heh)
Eine Frau mit 'ner Hauptrolle hat nie mitgespielt
A woman with a leading role has never played along
Es wird langsam viel zu viel, immer wenn du in seine Richtung liegst
It's slowly becoming too much, whenever you lie in his direction
Du lässt ihn schwach werden, als wärst du Kryptonit
You make him weak, as if you were Kryptonite
(Er) er ist so, denn andre haben sein Leben gezeichnet
(He) he is like that because others have drawn his life
Superheros sind immer wie Kriminelle gekleidet
Superheroes are always dressed like criminals
Du wärst gern an seiner Seite, du willst ihn begleiten
You'd like to be by his side, you want to accompany him
Es reicht nicht, dass du es ihm sagst, du musst es beweisen
It's not enough that you tell him, you have to prove it
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground; yeah)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground; yeah)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
I'm a hero (I will leave nothing to heroes)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown; yeah)
Flashin' lightning (don't believe in the crown; yeah)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (too many fakers that we know)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground)
Keep on fightin' (don't leave your gold on the ground)
I'm a hero
I'm a hero
I'm a-
I'm a-

Writer(s): Farid Bang, Kai Kotucz, David Eisenblaetter

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