FELI - Ma striga mama - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais FELI - Ma striga mama

Ma striga mama
My Witch Mother
E trecut de miezul noptii
It's past midnight
Ma intreb de mai vii oare
I wonder if you'll come
Te astept cand stele noaptea
I wait for you when the stars at night
Lumineaza cerul tare
Brighten the sky so bright
Numai noaptea ai tu vreme
Only at night do you have time
De iubit, ca toata ziua
To love, like all day long
Spui ca de atata treaba
You say that you're so busy
Nu apuci sa νezi lumina
You can't see the light
Ca tine n-am intalnit
Like you, I've never met
Desi mi s-a povestit
Although I've been told
Ca barbati ca tine intorc pe dos
That men like you turn everything upside down
Femei ce au iubit
Women who have loved
Ca tine n-am intalnit
Like you, I've never met
Desi mi s-a povestit
Although I've been told
Cei ca tine poarta masti
Those like you wear masks
Si-apoi se transforma-n foc
And then they turn into fire
Ma striga mama la poarta
My mother calls me to the gate
Fata, haide intra-n casa
Girl, come into the house
Nu te las cu asa barbat
I will not leave you with such a man
Care ti se asterne in pat
Who lays down in your bed
Sa-ti fure visele toate
To steal all your dreams
Ca ar fi mare pacat
It would be a great sin
Nu te las cu asa barbat
I will not leave you with such a man
Care ti se asterne in pat
Who lays down in your bed
Sa-ti fure visele toate
To steal all your dreams
Ca ar fi mare pacat
It would be a great sin
Strange-ma tare la piept
Hold me tight to your chest
Spune ca e-n capul meu
Tell me it's all in my head
Ca de fapt tu ma iubesti
That you actually love me
Vai ce lupta, νai ce greu
Oh what a struggle, oh how hard
Eu ti-am dat bucati din mine
I gave you pieces of myself
Da' nu-s fata care asteapta
But I'm not the kind of girl who waits
Nu uita nicio secunda
Never forget for a second
Mama m-o crescut desteapta
My mother raised me wise
Ma striga mama la poarta
My mother calls me to the gate
Fata, haide intra-n casa
Girl, come into the house
Nu te las cu asa barbat
I will not leave you with such a man
Care ti se asterne in pat
Who lays down in your bed
Sa-ti fure visele toate
To steal all your dreams
Ca ar fi mare pacat
It would be a great sin
Nu te las cu asa barbat
I will not leave you with such a man
Care ti se asterne in pat
Who lays down in your bed
Sa-ti fure visele toate
To steal all your dreams
Ca ar fi mare pacat...
It would be a great sin...

Writer(s): Felicia Donose, Florin Boka, Lucian Nagy, Roland Kiss, Serban Cazan, Vlad Ciresan

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